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  • ahhh i see what's going on here... you've been trying to charm me with your ... charms so i'd go to this gay outing thing... you sly dog :D i'm on to you
    Hahahaha you suddenly just got a WHOLE LOT sexier :p Jokes.

    :p I missed an economics assignment because of you!
    *shakes fist*
    And I had only an hour and a half to write a song and learn to play it before I had to perform it in front of peoples parents XD

    But it turned out alright.

    Hahaha I think "trying" is the opporative word there :p

    I'm not sure how well lunch is gonna work, love...
    Our lunches are really short, and I think I'm gonna be needed to set up the performance space on thursday anyway. I can do after school most days...? But probs not for that long :/

    Hahaha I'm sure we can find some subject you are good at :p
    Any excuse after all ^__^
    I wish I did I said, I wanted to hook up with a ridiculous amount of men...I almost hooked up with a straight guy tonight, I'll keep working on it....I'm so drunk right now hahahaha
    what did you do for mardi gras?

    i'm starting to get a little devasted that i didn't go....i was looking forward to hooking up with a ridiculous amount of men. =( I had to work at the zoo on the night.....fml
    That's alright, love ^__^

    Hahaha I would like to see you in a mosh pit :p
    t'would amuse me muchly :p

    Looking forward 2 it :]
    Mardi Gras Night - Labyrinth tickets | Bondi Openair Cinema | moshtix

    Hahaha sounds amusing :p
    Wanna go?

    If not, I'll just save up my pennies for this:
    DECAPITATED **PLEASE NOTE CHANGE IN VENUE** tickets | Factory Theatre | moshtix
    O__O You don't like the sultry sounds of Frank Carters' voice...?

    I don't know if we can still be lovers...

    ^__^ Joking, but still...
    Hahaha you should sing the same song I play ^__^
    Then we can do it together :p


    ^__^ Nunight love
    Sleep tight, Don't let the bedbugs bite.
    ... Because I'll get jealous ^__^
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