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  • XD it is the only true context for it to be used in!
    ^__^ from what I recall, you didn't need to have fangs to make me moan in the park XD

    P.S. I don't think you'd make for an unusual vampire, but certainly the sexiest :p... I don't think there's such a thing as an unusual vampire.
    they're fairly ordinary people except for their little peculiarity, they come in all shapes and sizes - all walks of life. :p
    Oh, yush, yush! Sorry, my brain was elsewhere lol
    (I was being asked if I could donate blood by a sang :p)
    - I turned him down on the assumption that having another boy om nom nom on me might be encroaching on your territory a little lol :p - That, and I'd rather know the vamp better before I let anyone drink my blood :]

    Thanks for the luck :D but save SOME for yourself!

    O__O *shouts* HE LIKES IT! HE LIKES IT! HE LIKES IT! *dances around you*
    It sort of is these days :p
    Ever since i got into that crowd.
    I can spot them a mile away now :p

    Hahaha I just want to get drunk with you and cuddle again :]
    I miss our biiig looong cuddles.
    :] good, good. Bumped into a vampire (again), and other than that, it was study, study, study >.<
    O_O Is that how you tutored those other boys? XD

    >__< I don't know... I've seen some pretty poker machines in my life...
    Ever been to Vegas? XD

    XD well, you do know all the right buttons to press :p

    Nunight love.
    Sleep tight.
    Don't let the... Well... *considers*
    Nah, leave the bitting to me. :p
    Sweet as it is that you believe in me, you really shouldn't gamble :p

    Oh, okay :p Tutor me in physics, go!
    and if I don't get band 5, I blame you! :D

    Yay for having a scapregoat XD
    Weekend was unbearable... Study, study, and you guessed it: more study! :p

    Hahahaha yes, historically, that has been a rather 'interesting' combination for me...
    Luckily for you (and me), it's a combination I find myself in quite often :p

    Next exam is music on Tuesday, I believe.
    and yeah, music is easy.
    It's chemistry, economics, physics and just about all my other subjects that I'm worried about lol.
    Hahaha oh dear ^__^
    I'm barely recovered from last times pash rash XD
    XD Well, out of service to him, to make his first gay-for-pay thing easier, I'd be all for it (though i get the impression you guys aren't close enough to make it any easier).

    :D Woot! I beat the male escort!
    Hahahahaha I feel so dirty!
    Hahaha sounds like a fun night babe :]
    Should've drank more water though, eh?

    XD I find that being half naked around male escorts is quite conducive to having a good night ^__^

    :p did it just come up in conversation...? or did you find out another way? :p
    :p thats a silly mocie :D
    haven't seen it in AGES!

    I'm drunk and bored and meant to be asleep, but I can't.
    Hahahaha you're wonderful.
    You really see the good in me,
    even if I'm not sure it's really there xD

    I love you.
    so, so much.

    Thank you for putting up with me Alex.
    you mean the world to me.
    You're too good to me, love.
    I did love just lying there with you for ages,
    Not to say I didn't love what came after, but yeah, it did cheapen it a little.
    So I'm still sorry ^__^
    I love you.
    :D Today was wonderfull!
    I'm still reeling from it :D

    You really will have to physically restrain me next time :p
    I kinda recognise now that you really wanted to chat, more than anything else.

    Sorry I got carried away.
    You have that effect on me.
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