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  • yeww. u should, i would like to meet u.

    copied and pasted from thread: lolsmith's going, Shane's going, lamingtons is going, cosmo is going, I think SnowFox is going, Ebony should be coming (don't think she is), annagurl is coming, mg, garygaz, ohexploitable, mitchy_boy maybe, Shadowdude, townie, slyhunter, twistedrebel, khorne, harrisony possibly, Hagaren, sinohpile is on the attending list on Facebook ahahhaha outstanding, nicola (your username is the fucking worst), Dr Fresh, stampede I think said he's coming, MatureLamb potentially, Arcuepins, maybe kt tully, possibly a few other oldfags as well later on

    so yeah i think shadowdude is going hahaha (luv dat feel)
    yeah it is shit - if they had left the minimum requirement at the same mark it was last year i would have had a pretty good chance of getting in. now i have to do it again - sigh lol.
    hahaha oh apathy - my worst enemy. i procrastinate way too much so i know how you feel haha
    oops i forgot to reply to this thingo. yeah i did the gamsat this year and am gonna do it again next yr - did well and then usyd decided that they'd bump the minimum requirement up so that i was under it by 1 mark, ugh. oh well, hopefully will get in elsewhere if worst comes to worst.
    hows the hsc prep goin lols
    sounds good. lol i have no advice, just do whatever is fun and makes u happy - are u gonna be 18 before holidays or ???? beerrrzzz m8

    yeah im at usyd doing medical science. do you know what you wanna do next year?
    haha shit yeah. so good getting the majors in, although i only had one so i imagine the feeling for you is even better.
    yeah the next 2 months will go so quickly and then 4 months of holidays, man, best times. although my summer last/this year was even better
    what are u doin for schoolies?
    hahaha, i think my favourite episode is the 2nd ep of the 3rd season, the one where tara is introduced

    seasons 3 and 4 were pretty good, and season 5 had its moments but nothing will ever touch the first two
    hahaha inbetweeners is so good
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