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  1. 0

    LMAO not like the others 👉👈

    LMAO not like the others 👉👈
  2. 0

    English I got fked

    😭😭 the teachers would have a heart attack if they saw my chicken scratch ngl
  3. 0

    English I got fked

    just saw the actual pictures. my brother in christ thats bad handwriting??? are half of the kids in your grade printing block letters???
  4. 0

    what in the american spelling 😨

    what in the american spelling 😨
  5. 0

    English I got fked

    THATS CRAZY sounds like the teacher just doesnt want to put in the effort 😭
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    English I got fked

    bro what??? handwriting is weighed 20% in a written assessment?? thats insane. unless your handwriting is doctor level illegible, i don't think it should reflect on your essay marks 😭
  7. 0

    they let me out of my cage

    they let me out of my cage
  8. 0

    broskis help me

    id say don't stay for the sake of staying. uniforms are not worth your academic futures bro. if you feel like you'll have more fun and learn more at the other school, then i think it would be a good investment :0 glgl!
  9. 0

    feel this but with discursives 😭 that shit should not be marked

    feel this but with discursives 😭 that shit should not be marked
  10. 0

    2 days away from freedom...

    2 days away from freedom...
  11. 0

    What content is in Dr Du y10 A2?

    I was in a different tutoring centre for y8-9, and we did some accelerated content like trig identities and logs. But some of the content at my old tutor (mr guan if anyone knows who that is .😭) wasn't super well taught, because our teacher was too busy talking about his top 10 hot takes on...