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  1. six demon bag

    bonus points

    By schools I meant universities - i probably should've worded it better haha. I read it on the UNSW website. The extra point for being school captain thing wasn't part of HSC plus - I think it was under some other program but im pretty sure it was on the UNSW site too. Sorry for the confusion haha
  2. six demon bag

    It ends this week...

    Soon you won't ever have to see him again! haha. Oh wow, I just remembered we all finish school soon. That's weird haha.
  3. six demon bag

    It ends this week...

    Same. I'm just sick of worrying about it! Meetup=my bedroom - go! go! go!
  4. six demon bag

    Theatre Thread!

    Also, I just booked tickets for Rough Draft #3. I had to miss out on the last one cos of stupid trials :( but it looks pretty good!
  5. six demon bag

    bonus points

    yeah i don't exactly agree with it either but i'll take whatever i can get haha.
  6. six demon bag

    It ends this week...

    On the handing in of our story I move that every person who took EE2 eats a cupcake, lets off a firework and drinks copious amounts of victory gin. Who's with me? Also, good luck to all!
  7. six demon bag

    Has anyone ever not finished their major work?

    I had a CAFS independent research project. i just managed to get it done - started to write my 2000 work report at about 1am on the due date (and got 14/15 for that part!) but yeah. stressful. My EE2 piece is due next week and I've got to put finishing touches on!
  8. six demon bag

    bonus points

    There's HSC plus but it might only be a few schools doing it. I think you can also get extra pointsfor extra-cirricular stuff. I get one for being school captain and I've had about 2 captainly duties all year haha.
  9. six demon bag

    2009 Trial HSC Exams Discussion

    Agreed about EE1. I finished my exam and story about 30 mins before the end of the text so i crossed out my essay conclusion (crime writing module) and just started writing everything i remember abour Rear Window and the Real Inspector Hound haha. My teacher might be a little confused :|
  10. six demon bag

    Rank Your Exams

    1. Drama 2. Community and Family Studies 3. Advanced English 4. Eng ext 1 5. eng ext 2 6. Gen maths
  11. six demon bag

    Theatre Thread!

    No I haven't but I've seen documentaries that have shown him working and such and that makes me very much want to see something by him. I can't imagine him being diva-like. Heaven is brilliant. I think I love just about every movie she's in haha. Coffee & Cigarettes was one of my favourites...
  12. six demon bag

    Thanks for the add friend! I think I have two on here now haha

    Thanks for the add friend! I think I have two on here now haha
  13. six demon bag

    Theatre Thread!

    By the way, that would be awesome to sit next to Andrew Upton aswell! haha. I think he's wonderful and I'm quite sure I'm a little bit in love with his wife - very excited for Streetcar :)
  14. six demon bag

    Theatre Thread!

    Will the date end up on the YAP facebook group or STC website? I am so so so there.
  15. six demon bag

    Last Line of your Major Work?

    I like this one.
  16. six demon bag

    Last Line of your Major Work?

    I hope you get in the showcase just for your moxy alone! I like it!
  17. six demon bag

    Theatre Thread!

    I'm going to see once and for all next friday night and im really looking forward to it. I haven't really seen anything like it (how it sounds anyway). now i want to find angels in america haha.
  18. six demon bag

    Theatre Thread!

    Late October is when douchebag HSC starts :( i shall try anyway!
  19. six demon bag

    Biggest Tip For Monologues

    Pretty much haha
  20. six demon bag

    Random facts about your stories.

    Good point actually haha. That's an awesome mark, congrats haha. I'm going to go work on mine now :|