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  1. A

    Difference between Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Ancient History (Hons).

    Not going to help you out in the academic world unfortunately, you gotta get that Masters/PhD to really rank if you are going to be an academic, just by the by :)
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    What's happened to this board?

    Oh yeah, forgot about that, you'd like to think so but between this or building the Mentor Program, i'm getting paid to do the latter :p
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    What's happened to this board?

    2004-2008 were its glory days, then they introduced the whole premium thing and lost their focus.
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    MQ Sem 1 Results Thread

    1 d 2 c
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    What's happened to this board?

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    Applying for exchange in first semester?

    I don't mean to be rude, but what part about that didn't I already say :|
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    Applying for exchange in first semester?

    Once students have begun a degree program at Macquarie, the normal requirements for exchange go into effect; students must maintain a GPA of at least 2.5 in their Macquarie degree and complete a minimum of 18 credit points in their Macquarie degree prior to going on exchange. Pretty simple to...
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    If you get distinctios for all assessments?

    It all depends on each convener, there is no guarantee that the combination of marks given to you will equal your final mark. Having said that, they usually won't put you in a credit if you have a distinction average, or vice versa, otherwise you'd have a very good case for arguing against its...
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    Photoshop CS5.1

    It's not meant to really replace it, but expediate the process and workflows, much like every update from CS4 to 5. Let's face it, there are only so many features you can really include when the basis of the program is rock solid, and has been since v6
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    Orientation Day for new students

    For those new students, we're changing the way Orientations are structured a little this year. Drawing on feedback from the start of the year there was a demand for information sessions that were a bit more specific, and so we're offering 4 major sessions for the mid-year orientation...
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    July Intake 2011

    For those new students, we're changing the way Orientations are structured a little this year. Drawing on feedback from the start of the year there was a demand for information sessions that were a bit more specific, and so we're offering 4 major sessions for the mid-year orientation...
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    Macquarie Library for study during this period?

    The new library, when fully open, will have double the capacity and the space than the current one. Patience. PS. It's totally different to the 'airport' feel of the currently open areas, so those with doubts over its 'library-ness' it is actually quite nice, but they're taking their time to get...
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    Has anyone done MAS110, MAS240, MAS241, MAS389, MAS390?

    yeah they're good, no final exams just major works/assignments from what i remember
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    Schools of history?

    They do offer courses, but rather than concentrate on individual schools, a lot of it is done in the context of something else, ie, Women and Gender in the Ancient World (looks at feminist/revisionist concepts of many ancient texts/depictions/plays etc), or as part of the assignment/course...
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    Just keep free, they'll never catch you
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    So do we just rock up and follow course?

    You seemed to have missed that Orientation Days have been running all week, and that "O-Week" is little more than a bunch of clubs and socities promoting their shit for a week. Good luck to you sir.
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    So do we just rock up and follow course?

    Rofl, wow you're going to go far in life!
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    Law Orientation Day

    Yeah generally its a good idea to go by yourself, most of our activities are designed with the student and only the student in mind, so no parents or other friends rofl (unless they're there too). And that's the fun part, I could tell you, but then i'd have to kill you...nah just joking..or am i
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    New library

    Latest news we got was that the new library won't be open till at least the end of March