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  1. T

    Who here got nominated for art express?

    um... this may seem stupid but does the mail come to your house or via the school... all those who didn't get in (as it seems i am one of you!): art is for your own enjoyment so live it up and have FUN!
  2. T

    Warning To Bos!!!!!!!!

    pfft! everyone should just chill out... we should all be relieved that maths is over, and besides, everyone will get scaled, so everyone just CHILL and lets just enjoy ourselves!!!!! go go HSC!!! ...hahaha...
  3. T

    I Need Dt Notes!!!!!!

    Does ANYONE have DT notes that are NOT in PDF form... if you do, i think it would be so very nice of you to send them to my e-mail: thanks heaps... DT SUCKS!
  4. T

    ok lets start the bitching, that was a difficult exam...

    meh for those of us who did WORLD ORDER as a focus study thing, it shouldnt be toooooooooooo bad... i reckon as long as you mentioned about redition, extradition, treaties and, like, transnational "working together" im sure it'll be sweet.