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  1. P

    Syllabus development

    The problem is that all the interesting stuff will only be taken seriously by students who honestly love maths. I'm all for making maths more interesting - I've written projectile motion questions with cannonballs from pirate ships and Newton throwing objects at greater and greater speeds from a...
  2. P

    What if i got 3~40% today?

    I avoided all the arts-based courses at university because I knew it wasn't my strong point. Surely it makes sense to work in a field you're good at. P.S. really? I know five people who do.
  3. P

    Syllabus development

    It does actually relate to the recurrence relations in the induction component - but more importantly, it's actually interesting. Most of the syllabus is very bland. EDIT: I guess you could also argue that it ties in with exponential growth and decay.
  4. P

    Probability Paradox

    I have no problem with the probability of a point in a continuous random variable being 0. :D
  5. P

    Syllabus development

    :( No harder Ext1 in the Ext2 course - but that was the best part! :D Second-order differential equations in mechanics in Ext 2 :( SHM and induction with inequalities are gone from Ext 1 :D Emphasis in statistics in 2U, not just General - good for uni :( Conics gone ... no, wait. :D...
  6. P

    Probability Paradox

    Some infinities are bigger than others. It's a great topic in maths and philosophy, and there's a myth that trying to grapple with infinity sent Cantor mad. I agree with the 0/1 argument.
  7. P

    General Thoughts - Mathematics Extension 2

    There's always minus sign errors, and the fact that the Extension 2 exam is designed to be a time trial. Not that I expect people to get full marks, but I would expect students on top of their game in Ext2 maths to get over 100 marks raw.
  8. P

    What if i got 3~40% today?

    I'm just pointing out that if there are students achieving below 40% raw marks in that exam, perhaps the school shouldn't have entered them in that course in the first place. Particularly not when the exam was well below par for a Extension 1 exam. There was no binomial theorem (unless you count...
  9. P

    What if i got 3~40% today?

    You misread my post. The Extension 1 exam was such a joke that if someone gets under 40%, I can only wonder why they were in Extension 1 in the first place. (Also, if you look at the scaling reports for Ext 1 before 2001, they push the average up as well.) I don't want to sound harsh. I'm just...
  10. P

    What if i got 3~40% today?

    I can't help but wonder what the hell were you doing Ext1 maths for if you got under 40% in that exam... Look, seriously, best of luck for the other exams - I hope you cane the other subjects so your Ext1 doesn't have to count.
  11. P

    General thoughts- Extension 1 maths

    It's always depressing when an exam completely ignores one of the more challenging topics in the syllabus. Predictably enough, Question 7 was projectile motion and Question 6 was simple harmonic motion. The entire examination was much too easy.
  12. P

    General Thoughts - Mathematics Extension 2

    The exam was a pathetic excuse for a Extension 2 exam. Even questions 7 and 8 were not challenging. I'm going to be waiting very impatiently for the final results from this exam - I'm inclined to say that people who score under 50% should not be doing this level of mathematics.
  13. P

    tsk, tsk, tsk mathematics extension

    Stewmazza, that's only half the story. Scaling tends to have one of two effects: * the mean tends to increase (although sometimes not) * the standard deviation is adjusted to even out the state for the difficulty level of the subject being studied Even the top students tend to get boosted...