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    Indirect Pronoun Objects

    this might be a bit late, but it would probably be better to say Non mi piace la musica rock perche' non e' ballabile e a me piace ballare. U have to remember that there are a lot of things we say in english that cannot be translated to mean exactly the same thing
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    do you do italian through the open high school?
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    nice guys finish last.

    I guess when a girl has a really close "nice guy" friend she would rather go out with a dickhead and it would not be nearly as bad if she breaks up with the dickhead/loser/dumbass/guy who isnt a good match as it would be to lose her "nice guy" friend and boyfriend at the same time. I think...
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    what sort of chicks/guys do u HATE the MOST??

    i hate when girls flirt with u just to get something from you or get you to do something
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    Che Fusto

    i think what you heard was che figo, not che ficco. figo is the italian equivalent of the slang word cool. and im pretty sure you cant say che figa for a girl. :)
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    Che Fusto

    che fusto is what a girl can use to say that a guy is hot. Ive never heard a girl use it though.
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    does anyone know any really advanced sentences about family relationships ....ect

    not to be rude but it changes to masculine when u add the -one like il donnone is the really big woman so it would be il mio sorellone
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    Aiuta-per favore

    so its like a crude way of saying in bocca al lupo so maybe the response is "crepi la balena''?
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    ive seen it written vaffunculo in the jack frusciante script, maybe they write it in both ways cos its not the type of thing u will find in a dictionary, huh
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    Il congiuntivo/The subjunctive

    my teacher told me that u dont use the subjunctive in situations like that like Maria pensa di essere bella, instead of Maria pensa che lei sia bella, it even sounds a bit strange to say the second one. and penso di andare all'universita' l'anno prossimo instead of penso che io vada...
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    does anyone know any really advanced sentences about family relationships ....ect

    Grazie Kakie. Ma, iambored non capisco che vuoi dire.
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    yeah i had to borrow one even though i had 3 hb pencils, but that woman was pretty nice though, i was number 113
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    Aiuta-per favore

    bravissima! quante lingue parli? beh, mi ha chiesto "hai una grande famiglia ?" "hai un buon rapporto con le tue sorelle?" "ha un amico o un'amica del cuore?" e "pensi che sia importante fare parte del gruppo per i giovani?"
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    Aiuta-per favore

    i dont think u could use it for extension, but i did take use something that alex's mum in jack frusciante said in that quote. the oral was ok, my examiner was really nice
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    Aiuta-per favore

    i thought of something that would have been good to say: mi piace che siamo veramente una famiglia non soltanto cinque persone che abitano sotto lo stesso tetto
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    Aiuta-per favore

    doesnt diritto mean straight, as in straight ahead like a direction?
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    Aiuta-per favore

    do u mean to say u have straight red hair? wouldnt that be ho i capelli lisci e rossi? oppure i miei capelli sono lisci e rossi In bocca al lupo a tutti
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    i got 8:30am sunday parra
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    i have 11am at auburn, devo studiare molto, non sono pronto per l'esame. Sono un po' stressato adesso, spero di non essere stressato sabato.
  20. 1

    does anyone know any really advanced sentences about family relationships ....ect

    nella mia famiglia la persona con cui mi confido di piu' e' ........ i momenti che apprezzo di piu' nella mia vita in famiglia sono ........... io seguo sempre i consigli di mia sorella/mio fratello/mio padre etc. io ho avuto un'infanzia felice and remember mia madre mio padre mia sorella...