Search results

  1. skool_angel

    super understudying!!! HELP! Business/COmputing!

    i was starting to freak out about my timetable thanz for clearing it up =D
  2. skool_angel

    B Business / B Computing

    yeah i do b business and b computing too
  3. skool_angel

    Haunted cabin at IT CAMP

    *runs away ghoostt
  4. skool_angel

    IPT Results

    wow i lot of people of band 6
  5. skool_angel

    Common Rooms

    my school is cheap we dont have room for a common room
  6. skool_angel

    Favourite TV Show ?

    simspons rule!
  7. skool_angel

    What Are You Reading?

    i just starting to read harry potter and the order of the phoenix i have been waiting for my HSC to be over so i can read it
  8. skool_angel

    Who is going to win Australian Idol?

    GO GUY!!!
  9. skool_angel

    Matrix Revolutions....

    i dont like the endin
  10. skool_angel

    Australian Idol

    GO GUY!!
  11. skool_angel

    Australian Idol

    oh did i mention GO GUY!
  12. skool_angel

    Australian Idol

    GO GUY
  13. skool_angel

    Ratio Boy To Girl In Chem

    in my school there is more guys then girls but a girl is toppin chemistry!!
  14. skool_angel

    No big equation challenges

    same here i wanted a question on CFC's or acid rain or why do we need to monitor heavy metals?
  15. skool_angel

    Reliability of sulfate prac.

    of i 4got about how BaCl is a fine ppt and it will go through the filter paper
  16. skool_angel

    GRRRRRRR-no big CFC questions

    i'm so pissed no cfc question!
  17. skool_angel

    w00t! Eutrophication

    by the way wat testes do u use to test for nitrates and phosphates?
  18. skool_angel

    multipule choice answers

  19. skool_angel


    yeh the questions were ok this year i studied so hard on the faraday, volta, galvani and they were not in it wat do u have to write get full marks for the last question?
  20. skool_angel

    How was it ??

    it was ok