Search results

  1. K

    Ahmose, Queen consort of Thutmose 1 and mother of Hat,sut.

    I reaallly need some information on her for part of an assignment but i CANNOT find any, anywhere. It's always oh yes, she was mother of Hat'sut...nothing else!
  2. K

    Are checkouts that bad?

    that is so entirely true, even those 16 year old drop outs who work on the floors are more involved in the store and waltz around as if they don't own it. People sometimes complain to me that check out 'chick's are too grumpy , well gee i wonder why when we have to constantly deal with annoying...
  3. K

    Which part-time/casual jobs get paid the most

    mmm i am just going to brag for one second. i supervise at woolies and am 17, on public holidays i get 39 dollars an hour
  4. K


    yeah well obviously focus on the jewish people. but you have to consider economic consequences on the people because economically some people were actually better off. look at all classes of people, look at religon as well. mainly focus on the terror it caused people but also how it gave people...
  5. K

    Worst song you've EVER heard?

    Urgh...any of that crap stuff they try and call hip hop these days, it has no tune and is dead set boring! Although i adore R.E.M i have to say everybody hurts is my least favourite songs, its long and boring and it's ALWAYS played and it makes REM look bad.
  6. K

    Hitler and Stalin - Parallel Lives

    Has anyone else read this? I've read the first 100 or so pages and think it's fantastic...
  7. K

    Omg- Harry Potter 6 is complete!

    OH - MY - GOD! I soooo cannot believe anyone cares enough about US caring enough to actually write that! Which also raises the question of what you were actually doing reading this thread if (as assumed by you're post) you are one of those who does NOT care...
  8. K

    Atlantis question

    thanks for that! :)
  9. K

    What's the hardest part of this course?

    oh right i wrote long way and long way didn't i? Well..hmph i'm tired ok! such a tool i am yep such a tool uhuh...oh yeah ...i can't remember what this was on now. thanks :D
  10. K

    What's the hardest part of this course?

    oh and speaking of simpson's rule, do people do it the long way by finding all the different areas? or do they do it the long way?
  11. K

    What's the hardest part of this course?

    I don't like maths very much so i was just wondering, people who have done this course, what did you think was the hardest bit to learn?
  12. K

    Atlantis question

    I decided to do Atlantis for my major work and still haven't really settled on a question!!!! ARGH! anywho, i am thinking i might be doing some along the lines of what has influenced the contrasting views of historians over time towards Atlantis? Edit: oh yeah, does anybody have any ideas...
  13. K

    Northern Beahes ppl

    woow...there's like no northern beaches people...well at least not on this post. I go to Manly.
  14. K

    The ideal woman.

    if your only intention was to be controversial, well good work. but if it was actually you're honest opinion, well...good for you. Everyone is all wooo go women rights etc. where did all those egotistical sexist pigs go? Honestly!
  15. K

    5 units of history

    Yeah...i'm doing 5 Units of history along with maths, english and economics so my other subjects are suffering a bit. I find it's just lots and lots and LOTS of damned notes! NOTES NOTES NOTES!!! argh....its sad.
  16. K

    STRESSING! Please help if possible!

    ok ok i'm really sorry but i agree with everyone else. It's an original topic but i can't see how it's dealing with historians? Have you found any contrasting opinions? Because frankly i mean i don't really know much about it , but how could opinions differ that much on the quarantine station...
  17. K


    yeah exactly! mmhmmm i am posting this for no real reason. So sort of look at the W's...where? why? when? what? who?
  18. K

    Which teachers are the most/least anal retentive?

    i enjoy history teachers the most , science teachers are just...well at my school they are all pretty teachers are nuts, the english teachers are ok in general but they are a bit off with the faries, social science are also pretty normal but def. not tree hugging types, i never...
  19. K

    Balance of payments and other stuff i am dying on

    oh god are you people angels fallen from heaven?
  20. K

    Future Plans: What ATAR/course/job are you aiming for?

    Psyc/Law at Maq. - but that's really only because i want to do law and it's easiest at Maquarie...i'd really like to go to Sydney. The thing is i don't really know what i want to do, i just know i don't want to do science or medicine, and i'm not too keen on economics either.