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    The CIE Hotline

    today was good... my tutor is nicola (i think thats her name) and my lecturer is theresa (i think thats her name)... yeh im brilliant with names. i think i can survive the subject but i can see it getting boring very quickly haha but im sure itll b bareable. ill probably get my bitch on in a...
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    smart arses

    how did you all do so well? ive been reading marks how ppl got in the 90s.... go to 2 unit maths if you're gona kick my arse like that...
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    Did anybody run out of time or find the test at all difficult?

    dont worry, i left questions out, ran out of time, went over this pc person's answers and got heaps wrong. lol i suck at maths. thank god its my extra 2 units.
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    The Official French Continuers & Extension Speaking Exams 2005 Thread - POST IN HERE!

    hey... im petrafied bout tomoro and like you mel im scared im gona get a curly question!!! wouldnt worry bout anything like the hurricane tho, my teacher said they wouldn't ask us anything like that.
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    The Official French Continuers & Extension Speaking Exams 2005 Thread - POST IN HERE!

    ohh, im feelin really nervous about this now. anyone else going to Gordon?
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    greek world 500-440 BC

    i need help on an essay about how athens role in the persian wars account for its rise to prominence in Ancient Greece. anyone that could help me, itd b greatly appreciated. thankyou!