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  1. bex

    Usyd is the worst uni of them all.

    whichever way you look at it, ANU still beat sydney.. proving the point that there are other respectable universities out there
  2. bex

    Usyd is the worst uni of them all.

    i havent read the entire post so this has probably already been said, but if usyd was the best uni, why was ANU the highest rating australian uni on the worlds best universites list? its common knowledge that the people of sydney uni can be snobs and all the rest of it but you get those...
  3. bex

    b communication-journalism

    2nd year com radio/ advertising is slave labour! you spend a mandatpry 20hours down at b rock doing their jobs (writing ads, organising promos, logging traffic) and not getting paid.. and at the end of the day, the boss comes and says.. are you the new work experience kid? i didnt know you were...
  4. bex


    she counted! haha thats gold! my culinary skills, needless to say are in the 'experimental' phase..
  5. bex


    hey jez you will have fun out there.. i know a couple of people who have changed over and they said its just as fun so yeah.. first years are always a worry! we got some er.. interesting ones this year! but most of the strange ones have moved out anyway..
  6. bex

    How many subjects do you do?

    i seriously dont know how i ever coped with more than 4 subjects at high school! is 24 credit points standard?? at my uni, subjects are generally worth 8 credit points.. ill be there for the required 3yrs, just one more on campus semester and then my 24point internship and an 8pt distance ed...
  7. bex

    foreign movies

    im a big fan of bollywood! i just love the over the top excitement extravaganza of it all!! that said, i am fascinated by foreign film. Some of my faves are: *Eat Drink Man Woman *Amelie *Monsoon Wedding *The Dinner Game *Etre et Avoir *My Father the Hero *Les Miserables *Fathers Day...
  8. bex

    What DONT you like about YOUR uni

    argh! those people are so irritating! im at CSU Bathurst- one of my friends had all 4 wheels and tyres stolen from his car last night cause security is a piece of shit in the outside carpark and they dont do their job cause theyre too busy twiddling their thumbs! So.. that said.. here is the...
  9. bex


    csu has a couple of degrees with paramedics.. try here: Bachelor of Clinical Practice (paramedics) or Bachelor of Nursing / Bachelor of Clinical Practice (Paramedic) [double degree] also, an...
  10. bex


    eh... dont start me about job hunting!!! ive been searching all year- well passively searching anyway! there are jobs on campus at the dining hall and at the radio station and stuff.. but downtown is really the place to find jobs.. if youre willing to work here in the holidays then your chances...
  11. bex


    im back in towers for my 3rd year.. to any bathurst people that care!
  12. bex


    argh! it was too too cold! campbell ended up breaking 2 bones in his was some sort of crazy break where the bone goes retarded or something (can you tell im a comm?!) he had surgery this morning on it and it seems to have all went ok.. blokes and shielas was an awesome nite last...
  13. bex


    hey fro you do com radio as well? how are you finding 1st year? i think you guys have a sweet advantage over us 2nd years.. at least your lecturer hasnt taken off with your exam papers and assignments leaving you at the mercy of some random extrernal marker! Com radio is fun but i think im...
  14. bex

    Essays and Questionaires

    yeah its really not that difficult.. theyre not too fussy out here... i remember one chick in my course got in and didnt even write one, so dont stress out too much! as for work experience, i dont think they will deny you if you havent done heaps of work experience... i did 2 weeks at a...
  15. bex


    hey guys sorry i wasnt making any personal attacks in my post! its good to see that diggings people are finally come out of their shell this yeaar but last year definately diggings was the place where personalities went to die. Hopefully this new breed will liven things up a little(or a lot-...
  16. bex

    who's up for teaching

    best form of contraception ever!
  17. bex

    who's up for teaching

    ive seen those primary ed students around campus.. theyre the ones with a recorder in one hand and finger paintings they made in their previous class in the other hand! primary ed looks like a fun degree to do but i couldnt put up with other peoples children all day long 5 days a week! i admire...
  18. bex

    Pregnancy / Periods

    thats disgusting concession!!! i feel for you pink.. but im really glad that yo are confident with your decision. Ive had 3 scares in a row.. even though im on the pill.. my period is just retarded, it always arrives on a thursday- when its supposed to be the saturday BEFORE so you can see...
  19. bex

    Whats CSU like?

    i didnt realise there was an interview for next years entry?? we just had to write 2 essays and its really not that hard- just check out the links that they give you and refer to them. Keep it really simple yet well written. Apart from that, Bathurst is a really nice campus, not the most...
  20. bex

