This is so lame
In a really odd conversation a few years ago, I ended up being Lord Cuckoo Face from the tv show 'Madeline.' So the name kinda stuck as a joke. I decided it to make it LCF just I didn't look like a complete lunatic - however many people read it as Lowest Common Factor which is...
E6A is now my second home - you can use your laptops in the Foyer - in amongst nerd speak, people checking email, and a plethora of WindowsXP login sounds :P
32K is just a higher quality - better if there was music/movies or quiet bits in you lecture
If it is just talking, 16K should suffice.
And yes, I salute iLecture too
When they say you have to be available 9 - 5, does that mean you have to be in the uni 9 - 5 and go when you can, or you miss your lectures/tutes for the week and spend 9-6 with the new students?
Is it me, or was the french girl, amazingly, out of tune
hahaha - props to the commentator (SBS) for making fun of people saying it, and then the UK presenter says it herself...
Macedonia was cool
And i am so annoyed Lordi won :(
It would be funny to see USYD or UNSW copy a Macquarie thread if it was title:
We made this thread first - thread
I bet they would do it:
USYD - We can be better at being first
UNSW - We weren't first, but we'll steal that position anyway :P
Re: The USYD get fatter/fail your subjects thread
The fact Macquarie came up with the concept first, means we win...
then again, we are the Innovative uni!
Game on moles (thanx karen)
How annoying were the fire alarms today - one went off around 11.00am at the X end of the uni, and yet another one including evacuation and fire brigade attendance at the building behind E7B (some sort of chemistry lab)
Did anyone else get caught up in the mess and confusion today?
Re: The MQ weightloss/marks gain Support Thread!
1) How many kilos (approx) to get down to ideal weight?
Well, I'm not to sure - just keep going till I'm happy - but i know i would like to at least shed 5 - 10
2) Reasons for being at current state
Post-HSC weight that never shifted, not...
Re: The MQ weightloss/marks gain Support Thread!
i really want to lose some weight. i feel like i am on the verge of going from thin and healthy - to slowly stacking on the weight so i want to stop it now - daily walks seem to be helping and make me feel much more energised and healthy -...
more like he hit me, and i slowly pushed the trolley away
it would be entertaining, to get this on video - get a clipboard and a pen, and walk up to those people, and ask them questions - that have nothing to do with each other
My name is XXXX from YYYY market research.
Do you have a...
I was in MQ centre yesterday, and saw the usual credit card people on level 3 near franklins, a poor woman holding up new zealand snack food brochures - but it was hell getting anywhere from there because of the foxtel/photography/ugh boot and free water saving shower head and light globe...