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  1. V

    UAI 99.95, 2 state rankings: Crash course in 2/3/4U maths, phys, chem offered

    lolol quitting unimelb to go us. you know how hard it is to get into med as an international over the 40k a yr costs... nice work, where u studying?
  2. V

    USYD Pharmacy Transfer

    why bother now? Just do an MPharm at usyd. Provided you can afford it.
  3. V

    Is Tafe really so much easier?

    A D isn't exactly a GREAT mark. Not GREAT enough to justify your statement anyway.
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    Semester 2 Chatter Thread (2007)

    Re: Semester 2 Chatter Thread! matrices are a joke.
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    Actuarial studies/law help

    Depends what career you want to go in. I would choose ANU as its better for law, and actuarial is the same as long as you get exemptions and pass your exams.
  6. V

    Internships 2008/09

    Re: internships 07 But they have double degrees. i.e. accg/fins
  7. V


    Is there any minimum contract length for monthly debit?
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    Ok I want to join the unigym for this sem, and maybe over the summer (still thinking about this). Anyone got any opinions on it? How much is it?
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    Semester 2 Chatter Thread (2007)

    Re: OFFICIAL Semester 2, 2007 Thread Yep, my post was in response to those articles :p Same thing happened with myspace.
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    Semester 2 Chatter Thread (2007)

    Re: OFFICIAL Semester 2, 2007 Thread I was talking about employers.
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    Semester 2 Chatter Thread (2007)

    Re: OFFICIAL Semester 2, 2007 Thread Nice work stazi, but I think you go too far sometimes in revealing who you are with some of the questionable stuff you post.
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    Chances of getting into USYD law?

    Its 96.xx. UNSW law has 98 uai access cut off, so USYD would be higher.
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    Getting Interviewed at an Investment Bank

    Pretty interesting background there. They might put you on a healthcare desk :p
  14. V

    Internships 2008/09

    Re: internships 07 lol newbie, i better start making my video now. Maybe I will include my myspace/facebook/blog/self promotion video on youtube links on my resume.
  15. V

    I wanna do Medicine!

    person I know got 70 uai and did an mbbs from usyd. Entirely possible. PM me if you have questions, I have researched this avenue many times.
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    Semester 2 Chatter Thread (2007)

    Re: OFFICIAL Semester 2, 2007 Thread 8 hours tomorrow 8am - 6pm also. Yay!
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    Chances of getting into USYD law?

    97 is a bit low, usually you need 98+ for UNSW. So i imagine usyd will be higher.
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    If i drop two units

    Yes i think the 10yr rule is right. Dont think that's an issue here though.
  19. V

    Breakdown of HECS/DFEE/INT'L students for each degree

    Cos the Masters In professional accounting is a ticket into being an aussie citizen :)
  20. V

    Semester 2 Chatter Thread (2007)

    Re: OFFICIAL Semester 2, 2007 Thread he has cool glasses.