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  1. C

    not completing assignment

    Ok, thank you for your help :) Pretty sure this assignment is 15% Yeah, see I have done quite a bit of searching and there doesn't seem to be much on the net re peoples experiences with not completing parts of the hsc. Maybe I can pave the way, what an achievement! Would be cool to see if...
  2. C

    not completing assignment

    Could? And receiving such an award would affect my internal mark? But still leaving me a do-able and fairly high marking hsc? or will this corrupt it all.
  3. C

    not completing assignment

    I've had a look (google search) and there doesn't seem to be anyone's opinions/ personal experiences on not completing an HSC assignment. The assignment in question is English Adv Task 2. I know the school's ruling about not completing an assignment, but I want to know what the repercussions of...