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  1. mishka

    Acknowledgement of UAC application...

    Does anyone know if and when we receive acknowledgement of our preferences?? :confused: Or is the next letter we get from UAC our offer of a university place (if any!)
  2. mishka

    >40degrees = no hsc?

    ^^ same, but ours isn't technically a hall either, it's a gymnasium. and we have heaters but no fans. please, pleeeeeeeeeease start raining!!! :)
  3. mishka

    Which will be your best module?

    So yeah, which module do you think you'll do best in?? And why do you feel better about that one??
  4. mishka

    YR 12 2005- have you got a PIP topic yet?

    isn't that funny?? that's exactly what the year 12's last year told US and did we listen to them??!!.... :p
  5. mishka

    Too hot to study.....

    hahahahaha come to campbelltown!!! outside the themometer says 42!!! so much for a bloody spring day!! can't you just turn on the air con to make studying space more comfortable?? :)
  6. mishka

    spanish 2004

    only a week to go until our Spanish exam... i'm having trouble *studying* for it cos i don't know if i really have to!! :)
  7. mishka

    schoolies destinations

    At home - as far away from the Gold Coast as possible!!! :)
  8. mishka

    will my social life suck?

    what's with the assumption that social life = alcohol???? jeez, i really don't get it....
  9. mishka

    Uniform or not?

    we have to wear ours - i think it will help in putting the "psyche" of exams into me!!
  10. mishka

    2nd last

    i have a 13 day gap!!! :( but all my other subs will be over in the first two weeks (3 days in a row in the first week!!)
  11. mishka

    Writing outside lines.

    here's a tip i've been told - for ANY "writing" subject, i.e. English, Histories, SAC, CAFS, Geography, Business, Legal etc. you can write your PLANNED response on the LINED side of the page... then after the plan, rule off a line and begin your "expanded" essay. however, the distinction...
  12. mishka

    Gettin a band 6 in maths :(

    really???? 96/120? i thought it would have been way higher than that! that explains the expectations then... :) i got 104/120 in the 2u trial, and i was happy, but i really thought a band 6 cut off would be higher
  13. mishka


    i got a postcard from UoW today wishing me good luck in the HSC... nice bunch, i thought, also considering that cool RULER i got from them too!! :p not forgetting the CD Rom i also received earlier in the year... hmmm, very nice bunch...
  14. mishka

    Where will you be going to uni?

    you forgot ACU as well!!! :(
  15. mishka

    Essay Structure: Remember your SEXY paragraphs!

    - - underline the key words in the question/statement and make sure you know what the question is asking. - - make sure you are also including info on context and techniques. context and techniques are ALWAYS required in responses, sometimes they aren't specifically asked for, but it is...
  16. mishka

    when do we get our pips back?

    um... I'm sorry??!! :o it was just something I heard, and anyway, it's like an assessment. People like knowing where the marks were gained/lost. The use of it would be to acknowledge the strengths and weaknesses of each individual PIP, not to thrust it back with no recognition. I was...
  17. mishka

    what TEXTBOOK do you use?!

    as told earlier, we use couchman... now i have never gotten around to working out how to do integration by substitution until now (daydreaming in class, i think!). but the MIF book has been really helpful so now i don't groan when i see one in a past paper!! :)
  18. mishka

    when do we get our pips back?

    ok, fair enough... at least it takes some pressure off the exam!! :) thanks survivor!!
  19. mishka

    when do we get our pips back?

    bummer.... sorry, but doesn't it seem a waste of time then?? however, the up-side to it all is that our exam is not so long and *only* worth 70% of the externals....:)
  20. mishka


    exactly!! the question was asked and we answered... if you think people are lying, fine, but don't come here claiming that we're lying, when you don't even know who we are, what school we go to, etc. maybe someone just has their nose out of joint. edit: the people who lie about these...