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  1. MiuMiu

    Do you 'still' like Uni?

    Im going to say straight out that I don't like it. I HATED it the first two weeks (Ive just finished week 3). Its not so much my subjects that I don't like (although that does have something to do with it, the content is all so basic, to cater for those who have never been exposed to the...
  2. MiuMiu

    Bethlehem girls

    I know Katrine and a couple of others
  3. MiuMiu

    Transferring to Wollongong

    Nope its too late now. Its next semester or nothing.
  4. MiuMiu

    lecture notes help

    Yeah I found them all, go to webct and have a look in the discussion, someone has posted a link
  5. MiuMiu

    LLB100 essay

    hint: the Austlii version is a lot better set out than the CLR one
  6. MiuMiu


    Year 5- some place down the coast I can't think of the name right now and its pissing me off! Year 6- Canberra Year 7- Collaroy Plateau Year 8- Vision Valley (best camp ever!) Year 11- Springwood (shittest camp ever, we were preached to the whole time, the food was shit, the activities were...
  7. MiuMiu

    Bethlehem girls

    I know a couple of 03ers from there
  8. MiuMiu

    lecture notes help

    I think I'll be alright, Im just gonna rely on the readings and supp readings
  9. MiuMiu

    lecture notes help

    Sure am, it will be good to get it over and done with, but of all the lectures to fall asleep in....
  10. MiuMiu

    ok so who have you seen met from the forums???

    haha suz misskitty was the one I was sitting next to and talking to on Monday. When you walked past and said hi she was like 'you're Ms12 right?'
  11. MiuMiu

    LLB100 essay

    Which case are you doing? Im gonna do the Franklin dam one, but its a bloody long case (as was pointed out in the lec yesterday)
  12. MiuMiu

    lecture notes help

    Haha its funny you mention it, cos you know how I told u I was falling asleep literally, I took like half a page of notes, and guess what presentation Im doing in the tute next week?!
  13. MiuMiu

    Hsc Uai 98%

    If you are failing everything, you are NOT going to get 98+, sorry to be harsh but wake up to yourself. The RET test is a UWS thing whereby the may use ur ret score instead of your UAI if it is better but still within 8 marks, and it cannot be used for the higher courses like law and teaching...
  14. MiuMiu

    Favourite Character?

    There was a book I picked up randomly off the shelf in the library in about year 9, and loved. The main characters name was Lorelei but they called her Lola. I don't think anyone here would have read it but if you have, I loved that character!
  15. MiuMiu

    UNI Essay rules

    Yeah its means 3cm of white space (so they can write comments). Its simple, just go to page setup and change all the margins to 3cm. For footnotes (the little numbers) its in 'insert' For double spacing theres a little icon up the top, just explore those.
  16. MiuMiu

    tax returns

    Yeah you don't pay any tax up until $6000, and then up until $12 999 you only pay 20c in the dollar for every dollar over $6000. Don't forget you can claim union fees to, so if you are over the threshold you still might be able to get it back.
  17. MiuMiu

    citations- llb 110

    You'll know who she is cos she'll be talking to meeeee! Not that you know who I am either but oh well, I'll get up and do a dance on the table or something.
  18. MiuMiu

    URGENT (Coles Myer Group Interview)

    If you want a formal internal transfer it can only be to another coles (as opposed to any colesmyer store), to do it just ask your manager and they should know the process.
  19. MiuMiu

    Your O Week

    UOW o-week was pretty non-existent. There was a welcome session per faculty (which was like a lecture) and unibar nite on thursday nite. Thats it.
  20. MiuMiu

    quick UAI question

    Im thinking 88-89 for Sydney Arts, bout 85-86 for UNSW arts.