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  1. jayadore

    2 weeks of HSC cram ... what is possible?

    I always wanted to go to TAFE just to see what my asian family would do to me. (: Go ahead.
  2. jayadore

    Who feels comfortable?

    I'm okay. I'm not really stressed because I know I'll be alright. Even then if I don't do so well, I can just go to UWS or TAFE. Then again, I've never been stressed out over anything. Teachers keep telling my grade not to burn out not to burn, keep at it. I haven't even started peaking yet...
  3. jayadore

    what degree would you do if you got 100 uai

    Why does it matter how much money one makes, if you blatantly dislike the job you're doing? Similiarly, your first course perference should reflect your hobbies, interests and passion. Not the UAI cut off. I'll still do Arts/Edu at USyd if I got 100UAI.
  4. jayadore

    how much study are you doing a day?

    I've never done more than three hours of study a day. Haha. That's crazy. I did 1.5hours today, I'm going to go through it again, get quizzed on it and that's it for the day! I'll go through another topic tonight probably or the same topic again.
  5. jayadore

    Retreat From The Global

    RFTG isn't that bad. Aside from my ext1 teacher who's just insane. I really really hope they only ask for one related, because my other related is completely under developed. Gross. Does anyone know someone doing "Fake Plastic Trees" as a related text? Or a place I can get notes for it?
  6. jayadore

    2 weeks of HSC cram ... what is possible?

    Two weeks of cramming is a lot. I always associate cramming with the night or morning before an exam. The fact that people constantly say 17 days till HSC! as if it there is no time at all worries me. There's more than 2 weeks for you to study. Just study. Don't worry about it. Do the best...
  7. jayadore

    Official HSC timetable

    My timetable isn't too bad. Except for bio, anc hist and ext eng being one after the other. 19th Oct - Eng Adv. 22nd Oct - Eng Adv Paper 2 25th Oct - Modern History 30th Oct - Biology 1st Nov - Ancient History 2nd Nov - Eng Ext. 7th Nov - Religion. Ugh.
  8. jayadore

    What does your study area look like? (contains photos)

    My bedroom walls. (: Can you see the ankh? Someone made it in my ancient history class. Hahah. Computer desk etc. Sorting out notes. Who else got the free stress ball pill from Usyd?! Just had to show you guys that. Well, that's one corner of my room. Cupboard, book shelf, white...
  9. jayadore


    Re: First Preferences? Exactly.
  10. jayadore


    Re: First Preferences? Likewise. Actually, I wanted to go to UWS. It's so close, I wouldn't have to wake up at like 7. :) Arts/Edu combined @ Usyd. Only need 83.35!
  11. jayadore

    Missed UAC cutoffs?

    You could have asked the Careers Adviser or Year Adviser at your school? I couldn't find mine either so I asked my careers adviser and she had it. You can also call them up about it. The late fee is stupid. $97! And then if you're late by another week I think it's 107$.
  12. jayadore

    Around 3 weeks to go - what position are you in?

    It's 30degrees outside! I want to go to the beach! I'm going to organise my notes and then study a topic a day. :) No stress!