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  1. xx-lozz-xx

    can anyone tell me when the red fighting force occupied germany?

    can anyone tell me when the red fighting force occupied Germany? :( im having so much trouble and need it for an assesment
  2. xx-lozz-xx

    who believes religion is out dated

    religion is outdated if you want it to be. the world doesn't consist of just you.
  3. xx-lozz-xx

    National Studies HISTORIOGRAPHY

    Re: makin up historians?? i highly disagree. dont ever make them up. the markers do have a good knowledge of historians and if they catch on you will loose a lot of marks as they would think you were cheating or just very stupid.
  4. xx-lozz-xx

    What's Modern History Like?

    Re: What's Yr 12 Modern like? it is definitely the best subject ever made.
  5. xx-lozz-xx

    So has anybody started studying for this?

    i started studying the day i hit year 12. its good to start a rutine
  6. xx-lozz-xx

    how many guys vs girls do society and culture?

    i cant really say because my answer will be bias coming from a catholic girls school.
  7. xx-lozz-xx

    Major Project ?

    i did my major work on different perceptions of dracula through time.
  8. xx-lozz-xx

    what is the f*kn PIP!

    i did mine on "science fiction is becoming the new reality"
  9. xx-lozz-xx

    -chosen Country-?

    i did china too :)
  10. xx-lozz-xx

    Past PIPs

    go to your school library but look at the marks before you get any ideas.some pips only got band 2's and 3's
  11. xx-lozz-xx

    2009ers: Year 12 Jerseys

    my school only allows first names and the src choose the style.
  12. xx-lozz-xx

    HSC in year 11 AND year 12

    that sounds really good. but how do you get both your prelim and hsc course subjects done in the same year? but still a great idea.
  13. xx-lozz-xx

    How to Analyse Sources

    CARMOP was the best. will use it for my exam tomorrow :spin: i remebered it off by heart. really relieved now THANKKKKS
  14. xx-lozz-xx

    How many students?

    my class has 4 people in it :D