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  1. P

    Should I take Adv. units in my first year?

    I think that might be the case, I'd feel more comfortable studying the 'easy' unit for chem and maybe do advanced for another subject I'm more comfortable with. Is it hard to catch up if you transfer from a 'easy' unit to an advanced unit later on though?? I'm really interested in bio as well...
  2. P

    Should I take Adv. units in my first year?

    Won't it be harder to get a credit average in an advanced unit though? I'm thinking of transferring in my second year, so for that I would need a credit average minimum right??
  3. P

    Should I take Adv. units in my first year?

    I got 86 in Chem for my HSC - an adviser put me down for CHEM1901/1902 (Advanced) and I'm sort of worried because although I like chem I do put a lot of effort into actually getting the concepts. Is it a bad idea to start my first year taking an advanced unit? Would it generally be better to...
  4. P

    HSC exam 2013: prediction for eng adv paper 2 (mods) speeches

    Got a feeling it might be Sadat - what with the stuff happening in Egypt and all, it'd be good to relate to... but dunno.. are you guys using 2 or 3 speeches in base essay? or freehanding with knowledge of all of them during??