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  1. beve

    Dropping anything in Year 12?

    MX1 = Gooooone. Still debating whether to get rid of Music 1 or not...
  2. beve

    English EXT

    We did a lesson on picture books... lol...
  3. beve

    CD that describes your taste in music

    CDskies 1. IAMX - Kiss & Swallow 2. Does It Offend You, Yeah? - With A Heavy Heart (I Regret To Inform You) 3. Elliott Smith - High Times 4. The Raconteurs - Consolers of the Lonely 5. The Shins - Know Your Onion! 6. Margot & The Nuclear So and So's - Quiet As A Mouse 7. Red Hot Chili Peppers -...
  4. beve

    Does it make you feel guilty when you illegally download music?

    my ears bled. as for feeling guilty; you'll find most indie bands wouldn't have a fan base anywhere near what they've achieved thanks to the internet. anyway; anything thats worth it's salt i'll buy on cd or vinyl. =) Get Cape. Wear Cape. Fly. = win
  5. beve

    Recommended Texbooks/Study Guides for Preliminary HSC?

    Re: Recommended Texbooks/Study Guides? I find the Math Extension excel book to be pretty useful; worked solutions and pretty well put together. Maybe thats because I suck at math.. lol..
  6. beve

    Hardest Subject?

    English Ext 1 is pretty time consuming. Math Ext... meh. You do a test and its over.
  7. beve

    Hardest Subject?

    Maths Extension for me. Probably English Extension as well, but how well you do in something tends to hinge off how much you like it.
  8. beve

    Questions about subjects

    well, if the subject you do worst in is a 2 unit subject, only one unit's worth of marks will be included in the calculation whereas if an extension is your worst it will just mean nothing altogether. although i believe theres something about MX2. lyonamu, come hither...
  9. beve

    Creative Writing

    You just helped me a whole damn lot too. Cheers.
  10. beve

    Which subject is more "prestigious" - English Extension 2 or Mathematics Extension 2?

    Re: Which subject is more "prestigious" - English Extension 2 or Mathematics Extensio can't believe i read this whole thread at near 2am... comparing a humanities based subject to a science is really pointless. and respect to that english guy that wowed us all with his epic vocabulary... but...
  11. beve

    what are you dropping?

    Music 1 definately, MX1... maybe.
  12. beve

    4 Unit English

    Yes, and I can't wait. =)
  13. beve

    MX1: Induction

    Yup. =)
  14. beve

    MX1: Induction

    *slaps head* thanks man
  15. beve

    MX1: Induction

    This is probably simple, but as I'm studying for a test I thought I'd better post anyway: Prove by Mathematical Induction that 5^n + 2 x 11^n is a multiple of 3. i. Prove true for n = 1 so 5^1 + 2 x 11^n = 77. 77/3 doesn't give a whole number however, so do you continue with the proof or is...
  16. beve

    10 or 12 Units for Year 12 (Poll)

    Well you can always drop out if you feel its going to end up too much for you; it's not like you need it. Would be more like the cherry on top of your already heavily-iced cake... :P
  17. beve

    Permutations / Combinations Questions?

    Thankyou so much. =)
  18. beve

    Permutations / Combinations Questions?

    Well, its not in the prelim textbook and I dont have the HSC one. We have Maths In Focus textbooks. =/
  19. beve

    Permutations / Combinations Questions?

    I'm studying for my Extension Maths assessment next week. Can anybody point me towards some questions on Permutations & Combinations? I only have a sheet or two on them... =(
  20. beve

    are you dropping

    Oh I do have a tendency toward procrastination; but much moreso when it comes to Math than English. So I think I'm safeish.