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    I'm gonna do it, should be good, if not i'll just drop to bcomm still dunno what majors i want :S
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    Anyone going to Port Stephen's for schoolies?

    There seems to be a fair few ppl goin up me nd 5 mates going up to Fingal Bay (5 min from Nelson, 1 min from beach :cool: ) on the 21st Nov, also taking an emergency poker set :) nd mountains of grog theres already a thread on it
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    Nelsons Bay

    Me and a couple of guys are going up bout 20th Nov, for bout 5 days prob. Yeh i rekon we should hav a massive piss-up/bbq/whatever at one of the beaches sometime when every1s there
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    PwC Economics Competition

    Was anyone else at the presentation thing last nite?? i swear the opening video deserves an Oscar, i mean filming ppl talking at a trian station, the zooming, the quality of the responses, that level of professionalism is world-class. Hell-arious Part from that it was good, congrats to all...
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    EE1 Trials Results

    The sad part is he did, he freakishly hasnt dropped a mark in ex. eng all year. He is vying fo Over-acheiver of the Year/Millenium. Nd i beat him by a mark in Lear. =P
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    CSSA results

    i got 94%, i think our top was 97 at NSB. One of the short answers was changed tho. got 59/60 for the 1st part but stuffed up the essays. :-| I hate cramming all the recent trends nd stats each time we have an eco test.
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    Trial Results

    At NSB we had 97% as our highest ( nd i came 2nd 8% behind that :| ) We just had a paper with Qs stolen from everywhere. Gotta work on my neatness nd spelling, my report looked like utter crap.
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    Nelsons Bay

    Me nd some friends mite go up some time in November, i got a place in Fingal Bay. It prob wont be as happening as the real schoolies places but good for a break none the less. Planning to hit the pubs and laze around all day, (even tho i wont be 18 yet =( ) prob do some touristy stuff as...
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    Catholic Trials f*ck up

    Cos we use the same emails and nicks as on our school forum. Really anyone still blaming the students is just trolling, responding to them is just as bad, ignore them. Someone made a very stupid mistake, it happens, life goes on. Build a metaphorical bridge and get over it. Anyway back to...
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    Catholic Trials f*ck up

    the only revlevent part of the chan 9 story: "really really annoying" - by my mate Sam, loitering in front a his car like some 80s American high school student. classic. Nd some random shot of a year 11 kid walking with books.
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    Catholic Trials f*ck up

    MORRIS IEMMA hahaha he has let us down I demand a letter of apology/resignation on my desk tomoz Still cant get over the interview "My next essay won't be anywhere near as good." -----y? "How do we know that the question that we're going to get now are going to be easy and fair." - I...
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    Catholic Trials f*ck up

    I can personally vouch that the Lear Q went thru MSN as a wild rumour
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    Catholic Trials f*ck up

    Hahaha im from NSB, channel 10 choose some of the shifiest ppl to interview, way more than 12 people had heard the Q before the exam. What a classic interview, and with shots of randoms playing handball in the background, it was so done-up it made me feel more sorry for myself. And that...
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    FunniER Maths Jokes

    What do math teachers do when they're constipated?......... They work it out in logs!! (I know its so bad it hurts...........WOOT 1st post)