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    How to hack into administrator accounts in windows XP Home?

    yeah how?> heheh
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    buying a desktop computer - what can i expect to pay?

    i bought my new computer from MSY at auburn just a few weeks ago specs are: AMD Athlon64 3200+ (939 Pin) CPU Antec Super Lanboy Case Samsung 710 LCD 17" monitor Gigabyte PCU22-VG 3D ROcket-Pro CPU Cooler ASUS A8N-SLi Deluxe NForce 4 chipset MOtherboard Geil 1Gb RAM Seagate 8m SATA 200GB...
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    who shops at technocity in capital square?? its such a cool place to buy stuff for computer modding
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    thieves at uws

    i was in the computer labs this morning at parra campus and i put my usb stick on a computer to print out my assignment i went to the printer room to get my sheets and when i came back the usb stick was gone ... i felt soo pissed off yet felt hopeless as if i could do nothing about it and...
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    The 'CLUBs' Guide (sydney)

    SUBLIME rules !!!!!
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    Carpark hype at Parra

    at parra they made turned some of the yellow spaces into blue and red spaces at the P4 carpark farkn oath !!!! and i applied for a Blue permit and was denied !!!! wtf !!!!
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    International Business & Asian Environment

    who does this unit?
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    How to Upload a Java Game from your Computer to Phone?

    hey i have a motorola v3 and i have d/led all these games for phones to my computer trouble is i dont know how to upload it. i dont have n e programs that allows me to do so.. or if i do i dont know about it the manual for the phone was pretty dodgy as it didnt explain how to do it...
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    bluetooth connection

    yeh im spewing totaly sux man
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    bluetooth connection

    Yup thats exactly what i did
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    bluetooth connection

    yeah when i 'look for devices' it searches and then says 'no devices found' and both fones haf bluetooth on
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    bluetooth connection

    i tried connecting my moto v3 to another moto v3 and it doesnt work omg but my friend tried his ericsson z600 with a moto v3 and it sumhow worked arghh bluetooth sux..... is there such thing as fone to fone cables? so u can connect the fone to the other fone via a cable
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    hey i haf 2 fones with inbuilt bluetooth capabilities (moto v3 and moto v525) and i turned bluetooth on on both of those fones and they cant seem to find each other... anyone know why? thanks
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    bluetooth connection

    hey i have 2 phones with inbuilt bluetooth capabilities (Motorola v3 & Motorola v525), however i turn bluetooth on on both of those phones and it doesnt seem to find each other.. does anyone know how to do it properly??? thanks
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    Motorola v3 owners !!!!

    so is it actually charging when u connect your fone to the USB? i mean how does it get charged?> seems like it can ruin the battery or maybe its not charging and jus says its charging. hmmm fark im pissed off now hahahaha watta waste of money for a shitty fone dat dont function correctly...
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    Motorola v3 owners !!!!

    who in here has a motorola v3 ??? did yous get a black leather case when you bought your fone?? i didint !! :( grrrr and also i heard u get aluminium box but i got a cardbox box !!! :( grrrr and i didnt get any accessories with my fone such as the bluetooth headset !!! did you??? and...
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    dumb things you've done on L's

    fark i better not have people like you park next to my car.
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    dumb things you've done on L's

    when i was on my Ls i beeped a cop
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    $2188 is my hecs amount
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    yeh it got it its $182 but shouldnt it not matter if u change ure subjects? i mean shouldnt the student fee still be the same???