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  1. D

    telepathic where are u?

    uni life is good! :D
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    pharmers club?

    cko - is it donald or just don?
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    Need some GOOD BARGAINS - Clothes

    parramatta road has many outlets.... you gotta look harder thought the good ones are usually hidden
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    what do u wanna be?

    i want to do something with pharmacuticles (not pharmacy). i want to make the drugs rather than give it away :D and with that i want to work in other countries, a change of scenery
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    csu holidays

    not i didnt want it :rolleyes: tuesday nights one is awsome... play aorund with the equipment pretending we know what were doing... stewart doesnt explain the procedure well so we always bug one of the demonstrators....
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    csu holidays

    no i dont!!! which prac class are you in?! im in tuesday nights prac!
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    csu holidays

    oh definitly!! back home!!! hey brad have yo done the chem quiz q's?! theres only 8, mine are mostly quantitative..and hard!
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    How do you manage to pay to live on campus?

    forrum dont die now!!
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    Do you 'still' like Uni?

    hmm... im in the same boat as everyone, i dont so much hate uni, i like my course, dislike some of hte lecturers for their arrogance, the time of my chem prac (6-9pm on tuesdays) and living away from home
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    oooohhhh week!!!

    were you at the last row?! like really last at the theatre?! there was a guy asleep behind me!!!
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    Backpacks in lectures (re: 8)

    i take my backpack into lectures, i like my bag! its not too big not too small, and very comfy
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    engineering gender differences

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    So, hows it going?

    hey kkorps! what course are you doing?! i moved to wagga as well, having a blast, met alotta people too, good luck to you all!
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    Is anyone else completely overwhelmed with the cost??

    but asquithian, hte majority of uws graduates go on to business managment positions with the knowledge of law at hand. when i went to the open day with my friends who were enquiring about the course, they were told there werent many studnets who go on to be lawyers, barrister, whatever
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    oooohhhh week!!!

    crazybred were u at the chemistry lecture yesterday (monday) room 115 at wal fife?!, and i'll see you around
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    best of luck!!

    they uni is huggge - i got lost alot
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    yeah doesnt chuddy mean womens underwear or something?!
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    if your go by the saying in your signiture .... my guess is that you'll probably do gynecology ;)
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    Personality test-Career choices

    alot more introverts than extroverts on these forrums...hmm... :p
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    especially if you have a family... but it ultimatly it coms down to the individual and what he she is passionate about, if medicines for you, go for it ... if youre doing it for the money, from my point of view you wont make a very good doctor, in the sence that your first priority is the...