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  1. Ollz San

    Theres no escape...

    speaking of library, were you at Willoughby library on saturday Minai? :)
  2. Ollz San

    Extension 2 day during holidays...

    what? when? where? sorry, I'm doing yr 12 at TAFE, the teacher never mentioned that.
  3. Ollz San


    Eeugh, Heidi. distasteful. I'd still say Jenna is the most attractive one, even though she came off a bit arrogant last episode. :D
  4. Ollz San


    Yeah, listening to conversation is so much easier. and...more interesting in a way. oh no, what if it's my deeply buried perverse nature??! :D
  5. Ollz San

    4 u english vs 4 u maths

    oh, I gotta agree with YEAR12 there. It depends on the person. I like English better. So I think 4U English is not as hard as 4U Maths because I enjoy English whereas I do not enjoy Maths thus Maths would feel harder to me. :D
  6. Ollz San

    Theres no escape...

    That's bad. I'm in that kind of situation as well but I just realise I have it so much easier than you. My family's pretty flexible, I can always talk to them. And the library's 30 minutes away, on foot that is. Yet here I am, not studying. can you perhaps go to a friend's house? Or...
  7. Ollz San


    Definitely an introvert. Have always been one. And I think I may be perfectly eligible for the title "anti social". Oh geez that explains it all. The sudden speech impediment when talking is required to carry on a conversation. The stupid things that always seem to replace the ones I have...
  8. Ollz San

    i know its prob been asked before BUT... any buffy fans?

    :mad1: I wish Faith was still on Buffy.
  9. Ollz San

    What form are you all using??

    Not too sure on that. I'm going to check out last year's works that got published. Thanks anyway.
  10. Ollz San

    What form are you all using??

    I talked to my teacher today and he was like "I'm not trying to discourage you from doing poetry but you have to really know what you're doing. To get a really good mark your poetry has to at least come close to the work of W.H. Auden....blah blah blah.." Needless to say I was crushed. Damn...
  11. Ollz San

    What form are you all using??

    yeah, I was thinking about that. Thanks. good luck to you too!
  12. Ollz San

    What form are you all using??

    I'm doing poetry. Collection of poems that is. I was thinking of researching and looking at a number of poets selected anytime from Shakespeare era to present time. Basically just looking at how the different approaches and techniques they used to write their poems and somehow try to apply it to...
  13. Ollz San


    :D go girls team!!! IMO, the girls would kick ass in challenges that require good communication, agility and team work but if the challenges are physically-based one then they might find themselves in trouble. Just my opinion... :uhhuh: Lots of people like Heidi but I think Jenna is pretty...
  14. Ollz San


    Ah, I've been meaning to read The Beach but I always forgot to look for it (no wonder I've felt like I left something whenever I leave the library). omg, I thought I'm the only one who like Nick Earls. No one seem to be mentioning him, ever. I really like him, always cheer me up. I've read...
  15. Ollz San


    Brigidine is catholic as far as I'm concerned. Come on, Mercy isn't THAT bad. :D Well, they do seem bad actually but not all of them.
  16. Ollz San

    Silverchair - "Diorama"

    I like Across The Night a lot. After All these Years is good too.
  17. Ollz San


    I nearly finished On The Road (umm, I actually bought it on a SALE) but I guess it's just not my type of book. I struggled through each and every page. :rolleyes: And for the Asian books thingy, have you read Shanghai Baby? It's okay. Quite explicit.
  18. Ollz San


    omg, I thought we, I mean, Ravenswood is brother school to Knox. :p Ravenswood is Uniting Church as well by the way.
  19. Ollz San


    I listen to most kinds of music. It depends on my mood. Anything from classic to indie. :)
  20. Ollz San


    I love reading :D