Search results

  1. Tenax Propositi

    Balancing uni and casual work

    How many hours a week of casual work do you think is suitable to balance with uni if you are doing a double degree, one of which is Law. Of course, uni is the main priority in this scenario with a goal of achieving at the very least a credit average. How many hours a week do you work...
  2. Tenax Propositi

    UTS O-Week 2004 (23rd - 27th Feb)

    Are all the study success workshops all the same? because they're numbered 1, 2, 3... does that just indicate the fact that it's the first, second, third one of the same thing or are they different?
  3. Tenax Propositi

    Hello From England

    Courtenay i'm so jealous! make sure you try and marry into the royal family while you're there!! I want a royal acquaintance ;)
  4. Tenax Propositi

    Not long now!!!

    There is still over a month to go. I am enjoying my holidays to be quite honest. I'll start thinking and planning for uni in a week's time :)
  5. Tenax Propositi

    Anthems for 2004 HSC and Uni students

    I found this song really motivational during the HSC yr and other tough times. Anyone heard it? It's off the "Falling into You" album so not recent. If you have any motivational songs that are applicable to a general audience - post up the lyrics. I'm sure there are heaps... I certainly drew...
  6. Tenax Propositi

    ppl doing bachelor of law

    i was thinking about going on the camp but ill be flying back from melbourne the day after... which kinda sucks :S i have to decide whether i want to pay extra to change my retun flight and come back earlier for the camp or not. i guess im looking forward to making new friends... because...
  7. Tenax Propositi

    may god have mercy...

    LMAO @ this thread! you guys are so funny lol :p
  8. Tenax Propositi

    UTS 2004 - The course YOU are studying!

    Congratulations to all prospective UTS first-year students for 2004! What course did you get into? What was the cutoff needed? ; and What was your UAI? Post it here! __________________________________________________ BA Communications (Public Communication) / B Laws. 2004...
  9. Tenax Propositi

    So whos doing law?

    That's my theory exactly! And I'm quite sure of it too... Accept your law offers everyone!!
  10. Tenax Propositi

    So whos doing law?

    BA Communications (Public Communication) / B Laws @ UTS 2004 UAI Cut-off: 98.00 My UAI: 98.40 Woohoo! :) :D
  11. Tenax Propositi

    Overseas Recognition

    yep perfectionist, you're right. I did decide to leave but I only returned to the UTS/Uni forums to find out what my fellow BOS mates got into! Don't worry, I won't be 'BOS-ing' for too long after the 19th of Jan!
  12. Tenax Propositi

    Overseas Recognition

    good question, i want to know too!
  13. Tenax Propositi

    BA Communication (Public Communication)

    Anyone get in to the course? What UAI did you get and what area would you like to work in post-graduation?
  14. Tenax Propositi

    Only half of law graduates enter practise.

    sounds to me like you are trying to deter people away from law whilst secretly attempting to gain entry into it. Your numerous law bashing threads and posts are amusing...
  15. Tenax Propositi

    So who is actually doing communications at UTS 2004??

    BA Communication (Public Communication) / B Laws @ UTS. See you in Semester One Comm. Ash! Anyone else doing Public Communication?
  16. Tenax Propositi

    Did you meet your target UAI?

    I totally did the same... perhaps for indulgence as well lol ;)
  17. Tenax Propositi

    Law/International Studies

    I'm sorry sugared plum, but that is total BS. Perhaps the quality of those who applied to work at the firm was not up to scratch. And PERHAPS it was their personal characteristics that did not appeal to the employers. It is very narrowminded to boil it all down to the university from which...
  18. Tenax Propositi

    survivor: all stars

    Survivor has had: 1. South China Sea 2. Outback 3. Africa 4. Marquesas 5. Thailand 6. Amazon 7. Pearl Islands that's if my memory serves me correct. The only one we didn't get was Marquesas because of the immensely interesting Australian Survivor at Shark Bay (devoid of sharks...
  19. Tenax Propositi

    Did you meet your target UAI?

    As others have said, I didn't have any clear number in mind. I was hoping for over 90 and I did exceed my wildest expectations, but that said.. what matters to me most is getting into the course I've applied for. Fingers crossed for the 19th. :)