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  1. sf_diegoxrock

    What did every1 make for major works?

    reading this makes me want to drop ITM.. i couldn't imagine spending over 1grand on a hsc project.. =\ do you guys get reinbursed for your expenses?
  2. sf_diegoxrock

    Your results

    Wow, thats excellent - congrats! btw, what school do you go to?
  3. sf_diegoxrock

    Your results

    English was the best, there was no need to study and it was an easy op. for a band 6 Same goes with Geography and History, although they did ask us questions on minor topics.. so it really didn't test what we had learnt/focus topics but yeah, another easy band 6 right there As for Science and...
  4. sf_diegoxrock

    TV on computer?

    I heard you need an internet connection if you use a TV TUNER.. is this correct? and if so, how many KB does it take? =\ i'm capped enough as it is these days with a 3GB plan
  5. sf_diegoxrock

    Do u cook in food tech?

    LOL - the food does taste off sometimes.. like once we rice with cheese and afew veggies because the teacher was being a tightass and cut most of the ingredients off the original list, then next prac we used the same ingredients and cooked wraps using cheese and rice again LOL foodtech...
  6. sf_diegoxrock

    Do u cook in food tech?

    we had practical lessons every tuesday and we cooked a range of foods, from meals to snacks and bbq's etc.. Food Tech is a waste of time, in my opinion. I easily came first in FoodTech for year9 and 10, I never wrote ANY notes down and the exams were easy as heck.. if you want to rank an easy...
  7. sf_diegoxrock

    sims 2

    omigosh.. i want the sim2 so badly and i was so close to buying it last week until my friend said it was the crappest game ever, a real disappointment to her.. in her opinion, it was "like the first one, exactly the same.. cept they age" =( but the trailers look AWESOME!.. and everyone is...
  8. sf_diegoxrock


    hey im in yr10 and we did a unit on Journey too because our teacher is trying to push us forward abit . . we did a psychoanalytical analysis =) pretty cool cos im doing eng ext. next year too
  9. sf_diegoxrock

    SC for Computing

    hey this exam DOES count to your schoolcert. although it says 'trial' it still counts, you still get a band 1-6 . . im sure nobody would have difficulties getting a band6 though =)
  10. sf_diegoxrock

    please help yr 11 n 12 economic students

    hey, im in yr10 and im doing similar subjects to you too! =) - Economics - 3U Advanced English Extension - 2U Advanced Maths - 2U SOR - Industrial Tech Multimedia - Physics pretty cool ay =D
  11. sf_diegoxrock

    History and Geography

    who the heck is dereck?
  12. sf_diegoxrock

    English-literacty- 1st question

    it was 'rewarding' for sure! so for the one with the poem.. what did you put? it was between 'reinforcing the title' or 'parody of parents voice' remember how it asked why they kept using the line 'when i was your age..' i put parody, what about you?
  13. sf_diegoxrock

    SC Maths test.

    it's weird how the advanced in my year found it difficult as did the standards.. but the intermediate people aced it, they all thought it was easy as heck!
  14. sf_diegoxrock

    History and Geography

    ESD - how come nobody remembers? at my school i'd say 5 people remembered.. its about doing things that wont compromise the future generations ability to do so too.. and as for history, we went through the Multiple Choice in class today.. there was a debate on that propaganda poster and the last...
  15. sf_diegoxrock

    Answers to SC Papers.. where?

    I was wondering where you get the answers to the Science papers that require a one word answer.. all I can seem to find is the multiple choice answers
  16. sf_diegoxrock

    History: Focus Issues

    This year there is only 2 forcus topics.. 1970-1990 Social and Political Issues and WW2 =) pretty good ay.. cept I wish I knew the focus areas for Geo
  17. sf_diegoxrock

    finally going broadband! which one?

    hey, go with Optus.. my cousin has exetel and he doesn't recommend it because the 'free' downloads are slow and lags his computer badly. TPG is alright I guess, I used to have them for dial up.. the average speed was 42kbps, not very fast compared to Telstra or Optus
  18. sf_diegoxrock

    Countdown to the SC

    Yeah, i'm pretty psyched about the exam.. i dont think im prepared.. ive been studying but only for 3 days =\
  19. sf_diegoxrock

    3 days to go.. are you prepared?

    Hey all! Well the countdown has begun! 3 more days until English and Science.. anyone up for some revision?