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  1. perfectionist

    HSC Survival Guide

    yeah...i had mine right infront of my study desk was very useful for me.
  2. perfectionist

    O-Week at USyd

    Don't worry since everyone's in the same boat...unless u don't want to make any friends :p LOL.
  3. perfectionist

    can you achieve a high uai if you stuff up your first assessments?

    Don't varies from skool to skool...u mite be at some selective skool or some really top it shud be my skool it was relatively easy to get 1st, 2nd or 3rd rank so i'd say it also depends on how others go in your year.
  4. perfectionist

    Lowest UAI at Selective Schools?

    Do u know Orivia Kim and Caroline...have u got any idea about what they got? :confused: the class is pretty anyways..u mite not know.
  5. perfectionist

    Lowest UAI at Selective Schools?

    Yes..its a small skool and not a good skool...academically :rolleyes:
  6. perfectionist

    Info on 'Away'

    I didn't do "AWAY"... my advice is that if your teacher makes it confusing for u...or u don't get what she is teaching...u get the different study guides on this play or any foto copies your teacher has given u and make notes out of it. It will help u understand it. i did "The Club" and that's...
  7. perfectionist

    Lowest UAI at Selective Schools?

    Don't put yourself down. :) btw, what skool?
  8. perfectionist

    Business Reports

    I had pretzels Pty Ltd for marketing.
  9. perfectionist

    Business Reports

    we had on industrial dispute as well... i didn't have a specific business...rather i refered to 3 businesses...which was like a short paragraph on each.
  10. perfectionist

    does working during yur hsc year affect yur results?

    I WISH this was possible :( was good...HSC...only skool..... but now i reckon lots to manage during Uni :mad:
  11. perfectionist

    not enough time to finish! >.<

    Mushroom_head: i reckon u shud go at your own pace...for me it was like i was nearly done with the second module when my teacher started it in class. He didn't teach us how to do Extended responses nor he went thru em...i mean he never explained em. He only used to explain just a bit of the...
  12. perfectionist

    Lowest UAI at Selective Schools?

    at my school only 5 people made it over 90. :rolleyes: So i wonder what it is me guess...Prolly LAST??? :)
  13. perfectionist

    Physics question- projectile motion

    LOL i was just looking at the Question...sorry...i forgot how to do it :(...anyways...i don't need it any more :p
  14. perfectionist

    Question for past HSCers

    I skimmed thru the paper looked at if there were questions from the sections of the syllabus which i didn't like. I went in the order the paper is given. It depends on everyone's personal choice on how they want to go on about doing the paper.
  15. perfectionist

    does working during yur hsc year affect yur results?

    I think it depends from person to person...i mean some people are good at managing work and HSC at the same time, while others don't feel comfortable with it.
  16. perfectionist

    Lowest UAI at Selective Schools?

    "most" people at selective get over 90... i am guessing...and a few below 90.
  17. perfectionist

    HSC Survival Guide

    I got one from my curriculum principal..she was so nice...i dunno when she gave it to others in the first she only got 3 when she had ordered she gave one to me...cos she knew most people won't be interested :p
  18. perfectionist

    Lowest UAI at Selective Schools?

    Hi people, i am really interested to know what is the lowest UAI at your school...if u went to a selective school or any other school which is in top 120 list. I had a perception that people who go to selective get a UAI over 90 always...which is not the case. So do u people mind...
  19. perfectionist

    Finance/IR and HRM/Marketing - which one(s)?

    I want to get CPA...but who marketing or IR/HRM is for me?? :confused:..i don't know!