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  1. Sweets

    Today Tonight : Farmer Vs aboriginal Community Queensland ( rope around neck incident

    Well sometimes they don't even have access to schools in the bush with having to go along way so maybe that might explain thier absence.
  2. Sweets

    whats the longest you left your book un-finished for?

    Princess Nevermore...I never wanted to read it in the first place but my best friend was like obsessed with me reading it. Needless to say I never finished.
  3. Sweets

    American Idol 4

    Omg Vonzell was so fab last night. Her personality really came out when she went back to her home town. Carrie seems duller then a loaf of bread though. She has a great voice but no personality or stage presence. I thought it was really stupid how they sang together at the end. I mean that...
  4. Sweets

    BOSTON ROB - Do u LOVE him or HATE him??

    Omg ur too funny Bushra. They had their wedding special a couple of weeks ago and now hopefully they will finally disapear into immaculate anonymity and we will never hear from them them again. I doubt it though.
  5. Sweets

    The offical EE2 bitch and procastination thread

    At our ext2 class on friday our teacher said that alot of stuff people had written was self-indulgent and juvenile Thank god i'm not doing a story. It seems like so much pressure on ur creative energies and since I have none I think that would be hard for me. Right now I should be working on...
  6. Sweets

    Today Tonight : Farmer Vs aboriginal Community Queensland ( rope around neck incident

    I agree I think education is the most important thing in breaking the cycle of poverty of Aboriginals. However even so most Aboriginal kids come from disadvantaged families and this environment isn't ver conducive to learning. They are very often malnourished which leads to short attention spans...
  7. Sweets

    The Offical Tennis thread

    The Roland Garros draw is out. Marat vs Ferrero in the 3rd round :( I knew it was going to happen. Potential Rafy vs Rogi semi In other news Serena Williams withdrew. Anastasia has a very good draw. So she should be able to defend some of the points she got last yr but then again...
  8. Sweets

    How is the class of 05 coping with the pressure of HSC

    I think im coping ok now. I know my ranks and my average marks for all my subjects and I'm happy with all of them except for one. So its peachy keen.
  9. Sweets

    BOSTON ROB - Do u LOVE him or HATE him??

    The poll should have Boston Rob should die section. He fucked over my Rob on All-Stars Survivor and he is a general retard.
  10. Sweets

    The offical EE2 bitch and procastination thread

    Well my MW is currently in that stage where I just start crying over it for no reason and just bitch and moan about the subject in general. So thought in light of this and the fact that in a couple of months our work is due, and im assuming the breakdowns and bitching will only increse,. I...
  11. Sweets


    Omg I deffinetly get what you mean. I have never been this picky in my entire life. Nothing I write seems good enough. Every1 was basically depressed today after EE2 because our teachers said some of the stuff ppl have written would be laughed at my markers :eek: I talked to my teacher...
  12. Sweets

    help with my PIP

    Fashion reflects alot about the society we live in and the society we live in. For instance Coco Chanel when she made the first female pants was like being extremely subversive. You could look at it as a form of challenging norms in some societys. Fashion may also be inhibitng/liberating at the...
  13. Sweets

    How did ur 1/2 yearly report go?

    We were supposed to get ours today but the fucking lazy history staffroom hasnt finished writing them. I already know all my ranks and stuff though for most subjects so its not really a big deal. I just want to be lavished with praise.
  14. Sweets

    The Offical Tennis thread

    Once again no Roland Garros coverage on free to air television. Jesus fucking Christ what is happening..Even sevens delayed coverage with the retarded Bruce was better then this.
  15. Sweets

    The Amazing Race 7

    Debbie and Bianca were a really good team. They shouldn't have gone. This is much like the Lena and Kristy incident of TAR6. Rob and Amber are annoying. Rob is fat and Amber is too skinny. The brothers are ok in a kind of dopey way. I am sick of the teams who always go on about how they...
  16. Sweets

    My Restaurant Rules : Sydney VS Melbourne

    They get to keep a certain % of the profits because they are co-owners with channel 7. Todd and Francesca got about 100-150,000 from channel 7. Even though Justine annoys me I have to say go the goose because hers was the only apology that was sincere. She didn't make excuses for it she was...
  17. Sweets

    My Restaurant Rules : Sydney VS Melbourne

    I finally realised tonight that Whisk sucks. I mean its probably cause they entered the comp late but still. They have gone crap in both reviews done by actual reviewers and they sucked on that looking into the future thing. I mean they arean't like making any money. In truth it should have been...
  18. Sweets

    American Idol 4

    I'm sorry. I didn't know. My bad :(
  19. Sweets

    The Offical Tennis thread

    She must be like my best friend, the most I have gotten off her are 4 games and i think she let me have 4 of them :o :D
  20. Sweets

    American Idol 4

    The 2 finalists for American Idol4 for are: