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  1. fallenstar

    Who else feels obscenely good about themselves?

    I HEAR YOU. I am SO happy that fuck of a course is over!! NEVER AGAIN will we have to study databases and the ethics of transaction processing...XD
  2. fallenstar

    History Question Plz

    +1 That's what I did, but for Gorbachev. Took 'personal background' as early life as well. Q didn't necessitate a trot-through of whole life. For Gorbs I placed the events of his early life into the historical context of Stalinism and discussed how the events were affected by the oppressive...
  3. fallenstar


    haah, good work bos.
  4. fallenstar

    What do I eat before an exam?

    Fucking ipt that's all i have to say. oh and eat something.
  5. fallenstar

    History Question Plz

    If the Q wanted that, it would have asked for it. It was not explicitly stated. Refer to the syllabus: it is divided into 4 components; personal background, historical context, rise to prominence and evaluation. Last year they asked for rise to prominence, I think. Each year the focus shifts...
  6. fallenstar

    History Question Plz

    I wouldn't worry. My Modern teacher who has been a marker said that you had to answer the question - not re-interpret it as a trot-through of your personality's life from the day they were born. I did Mikhail Gorbachev. The Q was a reflection of the syllabus: 2 Background – family background...
  7. fallenstar

    General Thoughts: Modern History 2008 HSC Exam

    Re: How was modern Exam? Doesn't make any difference; it could have been 24 irrelevant or badly-structured pages. Could get a worse mark than someone who wrote 6. All depends on the argument.
  8. fallenstar

    General Thoughts: Modern History 2008 HSC Exam

    Re: How was modern Exam? Yeah same! Core will be the decider methinks. My mod teacher was a marker last year and in our half-yearly exam, trials and practice Core, she would mark so hard, reluctant to give a 10 (Sort of like your modern teacher :) ) but I'm hoping she pushed us so that our...
  9. fallenstar

    General Thoughts: Modern History 2008 HSC Exam

    Re: How was modern Exam? Excellent! that makes me feel very confident. and thanks too kujah. 85-88 WOO does that mean that people who earn a raw band 6 end up getting scaled up insanely well? like if the cutoff is 85-88 raw, then someone who earnt 92 raw ends up with 94 or something? I can...
  10. fallenstar

    HSC Exam Marking Process

    Re: Board Of Studies..Any HSC Mark Documents? Haha well now I can see that doing all Qs in Mod, or at least one from each national study, would be quite extensive... Thanks for your help.
  11. fallenstar

    Preliminary Society and Culture Students: PIP ideas

    Interesting idea, but might be a problem ethically. How are you going to use primary research methodologies in researching this topic? Interviewing criminals? You would have to be quite careful and address ethical concerns of privacy, confidentiality...I like it though, it's different.
  12. fallenstar

    General Thoughts: Modern History 2008 HSC Exam

    Re: How was modern Exam? Sorry, I'm not equipped with troll-spotting abilities. Fail at life? Ha.
  13. fallenstar

    Time for the Sciences

    HA Abysmal form of a conclusion...Best call.
  14. fallenstar

    Time for the Sciences

    lol @ this pathetic thread
  15. fallenstar


    Do people ranked 2-10 in the state receive notification on the 17th or is it the previous day as well? Or after?
  16. fallenstar

    General Thoughts: Modern History 2008 HSC Exam

    Re: How was modern Exam? Why does everyone keep posting how many pages they wrote? It's not indicative of band 6 results whatsoever. You can get write 8 pages and get the same mark as someone who wrote 23. The skill is in the historical argument...Not how much you write.
  17. fallenstar

    PIP awards - notification sent with return of PIP?

    post it up in the pips showcase? i'd like to read it.
  18. fallenstar

    IPT Study Thread

    Agreed. C'mon, don't make us all feel stupid...
  19. fallenstar

    HSC Exam Marking Process

    Re: Board Of Studies..Any HSC Mark Documents? cem, thank you for sharing your knowledge! makes me feel so much better to know what the Senior Marker said to you - "These kids have worked their butts off for 13 years..." etc I just wanted to ask, if raw band cut-offs for the Modern essay...
  20. fallenstar

    All done. Done and dusted.

    I AM SO JEALOUS. I have four exams left, with the last one on the 13th. fuck.