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  1. perfectionist

    Whos going to UNSW, that lives in west sydney.

    Travelling is the factor that is restricting me from going to UNSW...commerce is better there, but USyd is closer :( :confused:
  2. perfectionist

    Anyone doing Bachelor of Business your uni? :)
  3. perfectionist

    Jan 5th Advice days

    lol...i gave this idea to my sis...she was like WHAT?:D
  4. perfectionist

    Jan 5th Advice days

    how do we go to more than two places in ONE DAY?? :( :confused:
  5. perfectionist

    Anyone doing Bachelor of Business

    i meant that its lower in my chances are that i will get in to something placed first as my prefrence.
  6. perfectionist

    So what school(s) are you all from?

    eerr...i thought all selective school students get a UAI over 90..sorry if you are offended. well yeah thats what my perception was...
  7. perfectionist

    Anyone doing Bachelor of Business

    Thanks :) i have put it in my pref,..but i think UAC wont reach upto this 1...but yeah to be on the safe side...
  8. perfectionist

    Anyone doing Bachelor of Business

    btw, if we take this course...what are the career prospects? i mean, what could we work as, is it like similar to commerce, e.g. if we undertake accounting we could work as accountants?? are u doing this course?
  9. perfectionist

    Money/Prestige or PASSION? Uni Course Selection!

    yeah i agree...i know this person who wants to do a particular course because of MONEY, however they Know nothing related to it, as far as i know! it would be interesting to see if they like it in uni! :D
  10. perfectionist

    Anyone doing Bachelor of Business

    Thanks:) I am veryyy confused now..B.COMMERCE OR B. BUSINESS! :confused: Thanks again :D
  11. perfectionist

    what is everyone planning to do next year...include your uai as well

    I got nearly 95 n i want to do B.commerce at Sydney or UNSW...i'd HOPEFULLY get in cos .... i won't say :D u can also try Uni Sydney for commerce, last yrs cut off was 94.10.. may be u like UNSW...could u please tell me what makes UNSW better in your opinion? b'cos I am very undecided...
  12. perfectionist

    unsw options for comm/sci

    I have been to NONE of the open days :( so yeah this time i have to... i hope i "like" commerce,...i liked business studies and maths at school.
  13. perfectionist

    Anyone doing Bachelor of Business

    Hi people, i wanted to ask about this course. how is it different from commerce. i want to put it on my preferences, to be on the safe side, in case, i miss out on commerce~!
  14. perfectionist

    Money spent on tuition

    tutoring works for people like me who go to a crap school where most teachers dont teach e.g. my chem, Physics and English teahcers!
  15. perfectionist

    Money/Prestige or PASSION? Uni Course Selection!

    yeah same here, b'cos I went to A VERY CRAP school, so I thought I might become a good teacher and never do what my teachers did!
  16. perfectionist

    Money/Prestige or PASSION? Uni Course Selection!

    Yeah, so a good decision is crucial, so that you don't regret, well yeah there are still ways of transferring and stuff, if u don't like once course.
  17. perfectionist

    List U're Preferences Here. Wanna Know What Every1 Wants To Do!!!

    i want to go to unsw for its good reputation for commerce...but im unsure..USYD OR UNSW??? :confused:
  18. perfectionist

    What didn't count?

    1 unit of Physics!! i always thought it wont, and thats what happened!
  19. perfectionist

    Money/Prestige or PASSION? Uni Course Selection!

    i got late 94s...i wanted to do teaching as well, but now i have decided on commerce, b'cos i enjoyed businesss studies at school.