Search results

  1. MaryJane

    What kinda ppl go to MAQ?

    All the hot, sexy chickens go to MQ. We party every night, have lots of sexy sex, and then wake up the next morning naked on the lawn. The other uni's are reserved for smelly, old, boring people who dont know how to have fun.Thats why the cutoff's are so high at USYD etc, because there are more...
  2. MaryJane

    psychology at macquarie..

    Still read up about him, its all relevant even though we dont learn about him specifically. lol at you waiting for me to answer... god, thats quite sad. I really spend too much time on this site! I have become the psych rep! :P
  3. MaryJane

    Happy Valentines Day!

    Yeah, I know its a annoyingly girly thing to do, but I'm in a great mood! Happy Valentines Day all my fellow MQ BOSer's! Have a lovely day doing whatever you choose to do, and for those of you who are going to be stuck at uni...well... we'll try our best to make the most of the day...
  4. MaryJane

    Web Change of Program

    This is what happened to my boy.. he's doing Business Admin/Psych, and they only gave him the option of doing PSY222 to fulfil the mathematical side of the degree for psych. So he rang up the library, and the lady went into his account then and there, and added STAT270 (which is the one he...
  5. MaryJane

    psychology at macquarie..

    Oh, and fornstar, I used to (and still do have to a degree) penis envy. Seriously. How weird does that sound? I feel like a freak!:eek: ;)
  6. MaryJane

    psychology at macquarie..

    He's only briefly mentioned in personality (104- this is where the ego etc is mentioned) and developmental psych (105). In 105, you'll find yourself concentrating more on a guy called Jean Piaget who took some of Freud's ideas and put them to practical use and found out whether they were true or...
  7. MaryJane


    Ok, I'll be the first to answer this question properly. I swallow, always have and always will. I find I feel v. close to my s/o while I'm doing the deed because its so intimate, so swallowing is like the icing on the cake (so to speak!). I'd only ever spit if it tasted horrible (which I havent...
  8. MaryJane

    psychology at macquarie..

    Hmm.. maybe psych at MQ is only rated highly against other uni's for undergraduate psych? and postgrad is pretty standard?
  9. MaryJane

    would u be bothered?

    There are many mysteries in this world, and my name is one of them :) But what I meant is no secret. I was talking about a little fun thing called 'sex', and I'm sure you got my drift. I know you OJ- you're not that innocent ;)
  10. MaryJane

    GPA calculations

    smart cookie! Ta! :)
  11. MaryJane

    GPA calculations

    I was wondering whether there was anywhere you can look up your GPA? Or, if not, does anyone know how to calculate it? I used to know, but forgot! And is it true you get a GPA of 3 by just having credit averages?! Oh, and I know its early days yet, but I've been looking up honours info...
  12. MaryJane

    would u be bothered?

    How old are you? Is he still at school? I think 11 is pretty ok I guess. I've never had a curfew, but it seems reasonable. You can do heaps of things at night which would make sure he'd be at home by 11.... do they enforce the curfew? It will change as you get older, parents will realise that...
  13. MaryJane

    why macquarie???

    - close to home - had parking on campus - is the only uni that combines law and psych - psych reputation - it has pretty grounds (not a concrete jungle) - sexy male students ;)... mind you, anything is better than the guys I knew in high school!
  14. MaryJane

    What are you attracted to?

    Ah, but the mere fact that you'd get to know him as long as you werent "revolted by the sight of him" shows that there would be some degree of physical attraction. :D (trust me, I do psych!) ;)
  15. MaryJane

    What are you attracted to?

    I'm sure people will respond on here saying 'personality', but lets be honest with ourselves here! The first thing you notice about someone is their appearance, thus looks. Whether you're initially attracted to someone will determine whether you will pursue a friendship, thus discover their...
  16. MaryJane

    psychology at macquarie..

    So do I gtg... its so depressing I have to do it all over again this year... but not until second semester! And this time I'm determined to focus so I dont fail (again)! Um, CP, I'm not doing PSY232, sorry! :(
  17. MaryJane

    psychology at macquarie..

    Thats what a lecturer (Franklin, I think has name is... he's the abnormal psych lecturer in PSY104) told us at the open day in 2003... and even if its changed since then, we'd still be beating bloody USYD at something! :D If its not us, it might be Monash.
  18. MaryJane

    psychology at macquarie..

    Psych at MQ is the most popular, and it is ranked the highest in Aust, and 5th highest in the world or something equally impressive. Its like, you go to UNSW for Law, USYD for... umm... prestige?, and MQ for Psych. Its a v. organised faculty, with an extensive choice in electives, and the...
  19. MaryJane

    Mentor Thing

    Really? How long did it used to go for? Do we get food?
  20. MaryJane

    busl250(05summer) exam question

    ^^... great minds... :)