Definitely do an integrated essay. Block essays will not get you very far and as far as Adv Eng goes, are considered basic. This is a comparative module and if you want a Band 6 you gotta show some sophistication in your abilities.
For anything with two texts, you should always integrate your...
Barely anyone has a perfectly smooth HSC experience. Since we're in the middle of term and you probably have other assignments or study to do, try to put it out of your mind until you actually get your paper back. This did not screw up your ATAR. Internal only matters about your ranks in your...
Just checking if thsconline doesn't work for anyone else. Need to do some maths past papers but I can't access any files. It says that it was meant to be online around March 3rd? The temporary workaround doesn't seem to go anywhere and that thing where you enter a code a few days ago was...
Year 11 hasn't even started. In my school we were allowed to swap until 4 weeks into term one, though please check with your school. If you are better at humanities, don't be afraid to contact your teachers and ask to change - this is your HSC we're talking about. Email them or get your parents...
Exactly. We miss out on precious exam technique practice and now have assessments that are just absolutely bullshit. My bio "prac test" was just counting some dots and drawing some diagrams, it was ridiculously easy but didn't test any of the harder stuff we had studied
I don't know what NESA was thinking... because subjects are only limited to three internal assessments and one internal exam (which is trials) now, everything is weighted more, and mistakes are more costly.
Anyone else hate it? Like for Chemistry at our school, a depth study on an A3 poster...
Sorry if this question is a bit random,
But with the recent change to a new syllabus for the Class of 2019, I've been wondering what other topics English Advanced classes have explored in history. Can any pre-Discovery era students fill me in? Has there ALWAYS been creative writing throughout...
Page 32 is the start of The Year 11 Chemistry Content. The biology syllabus is similar, just look under each inquiry question. I recommend printing these...
With the new modern syllabus, we can no longer capitalise on past papers and resources for Year 11. Is anyone willing to post their notes/practice essay questions/experience with this new syllabus.
Thanks guys
The movie right? Maybe this could help?
I'm in Year 11 at the moment and doing well in all my subjects so far (Maths is a little lacking). I take:
2U Mathematics
Advanced English
Modern History
Legal Studies
Studies of Religion II
So I really enjoy History and I excel at essay-based subjects, but my teacher...