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  1. chookyn

    The Official College Thread

    yay another vis comm person! visual communication is the best, wherever it's done. i was gonna apply for KvB in 03 but didn't bother since it's in Sydney, (i don't like sydney 'coz i'm a country gal :) but i go to a college, it's currently seeking university status tho... since it offers...
  2. chookyn

    study hours required for uni?

    yeh that's stressful or when you *stupidly* leave a huge task to a few days before its due.. then literally have no life until its done ... and you just get it in on time! what an adrenalin rush that is! :) it's even better when you get really good marks for those sort of assessments...
  3. chookyn

    study hours required for uni?

    5 subjects: 3HDs, dist. and a cr. 5-10hrs wk avg, many more hours though when assignment deadlines, major works or tests were approaching :) had about 20+ contact hrs per week so probably should have consistently been doing 20hrs out of class per week on top of classtime. but with...
  4. chookyn

    Should I be a Podiatrist?

    well i don't know much about it (except that natstar's right: a podiatrist is basically a foot doctor) but here's some useful links: Podiatrist: job description Podiatrist: job outlook hope it helps your decision :)
  5. chookyn

    using machinery in universities

    yep, you can use machinery in uni, pretty much like in HS, the general conditions are quite reasonable: * relevant lecturer's permission (i.e. the one in charge of the industrial tech stuff preferably - let them know what machinery you'll be using, what it's being used for and how long you...
  6. chookyn

    Digital Cameras

    not very familiar with it, but try - it's a site with tons of digicam reviews, owner's ratings/opinions, plus a buyer's guide + feature where you can compare makes & models, hope that helps :)
  7. chookyn

    Digital Cameras

    hmmm, currently looking around for a digital SLR, and i've got my eye on that one... it does look good... how much did you pay for it? i've seen it advertised recently for $2,299, is that a good price? does anyone have a Canon EOS 20D? (SLR, about 8.1 megapixels) that's the one i REALLY...
  8. chookyn

    East Asian Earthquake

    who knows, but i don't think it will stop anytime soon... as sad as it is, i can imagine there would be many thousands more who are still unaccounted for. On top of that there'd be some who survived the tsunamis but may yet die as a result of their injuries, or from disease perhaps... with...
  9. chookyn

    Duke of Edinburgh's Award

    serious?! that's a pity... anyway, it sounds good, think i'll give it a go, thnx 4 responding guys. :) my proposed activities: skill: take up piano (again - it's been awhile!) physical: jogging, or take up squash/tennis maybe service: still working that out expedition: done a few...
  10. chookyn

    How long does it take you?

    10hrs but when i get there, i'm there for the entire semester :( :p
  11. chookyn

    sims 2

    hmm, can't say i've had any problems like that with lots, but the game has crashed a couple of times... but there was this lot in one of my created neighborhoods that had issues... must've been something to do with the sheer misfortune of one of my sims, who was killed by a piece of...
  12. chookyn


    i'm going to do a cert IV in advertising via OTEN distance education, i figured it would compliment my degree. but i'll have to work on it mainly during summer and winter break, since the rest of the year i'll be busy. it does look sorta interesting tho... leathaface, how are you...
  13. chookyn


    mmm... more study cures boredom! i''m gonna enrol in cert IV business (advertising) via OTEN distance education, it will be something useful to do since i haven't got a summer job as yet and plus it will compliment my degree nicely :)
  14. chookyn

    Duke of Edinburgh's Award anyone here involved, or know someone that is? being 19, i'm considering directly entering the gold one (max. age for direct gold entry is 23, and have to finish before 25). The whole deal seems like something that could be worthwhile, challenging and fun...
  15. chookyn

    Come on Art Students! I need your help!! Digital Media vs Graphic Design!

    i'd say start out with graphic design... then try expanding into digital media if you find you're interested in that also. (it does pay to be multiskilled) My degree started out majoring in visual arts (good to develop drawing, colour and composition skills, those lie at the core of most good...
  16. chookyn

    sims 2

    lol! In sims 1, my sister had this kid she didn't want (as she'd accidentally given him the default name of 'SimChild'), so she made him walk out into the backyard, and put a picket fence around him (so the social worker person couldn't take him away) and left him there to whinge, starve and...
  17. chookyn

    What are you currently Reading?

    i'm currently re-reading the Chronicles of Narnia... last time i read them was when i was twelve, i love those books!
  18. chookyn

    just wondering, what's your uai goal range & course preference?

    good stuff, that's the right attitude i got 71.35 and am doing a course that i love, and have been consistently getting distinctions and some HD's for assessments so far. it just goes to show that the HSC and your UAI aren't accurate indicators of how successful you can be. all the...
  19. chookyn

    People who moved away from home for uni!

    yea, i'm going home on December 1, two days after my last exam. it's so strange, having lived here most of the year. And then when you get back home you find things are all different, other people have moved away, and you dont know where you belong. Completely understandable. :) edit: i wanna...
  20. chookyn

    failing a subject at uni, does not make u dumb

    most of my art/design subs are cruisy (academically) but the practical components are quite demanding... i'll be flat-out finishing everything on time. as for journo.. i'm so behind it's not funny. already had two all-nighters to finish a portfolio for it last week. AND there's a test this...