i thought the exam was pretty easy too!! only question that stumped me was the table i didn't really understand what was required but i got something that sounded okay out in the end so its okay. long reponse was good though!!!!!
Aghhhh people are soooo smart......i'm sure you'll all be fine tomorrow
ALL THE BEST enjoy your HOLIDAY!!!!!
P.S where abouts on the site is the online test???
thanks everyone much appreciated
hey just reading over notes form hsc online..and was wondering is there a difference between
because they seem the same to me as they both back up changed files????
yeah i gues that what its all about. But also rememeber margins (make up values which you feel are appropriate for the cause) and white space which avoids clutter and increases readabliltiy of the document.
do you think we need to know all the different types of printers....know anything...
Formating Guidelines ..for example
Headings should be done in San Seif fonts should be large about font 16 and centred. Thus making it easy to read.
Body text should be in serif font so that the text is fliud, it should be in size 12 font and the line spacing about 1.5
it ensures that...
hey keeping the quiz going on...
Q identify why back up is neccessary and the main feature which ensure its effectiveness
good luck guys be sure to get plenty of sleep tonight!!!
Thanks freedom you think it would be a good idea to study them breifly anyway so that it broadens your knowledge or is it just a waste of time????
Oh and would you happen to have the answers to the 2002 independant trail or know where i can find them???
P.S Artificially...
okay this is probably a really simple question but what is OEL all about????
i'll go with C too...
C is the first thing you would check regarding erratic mouse problems..just like if your printer isn't printing you'd check the cartridge first..befor pulluing it apart and crap...
Me Too
i related it to the equation Ploss=current squared * Resisitence
therefore if you hold the axel.... as you said heat is dissapated and therfore power loss increases and thus so does current. My physics tutor said that it may be okay....i absolutly hate motors and generators loved the...
congradualtions everyone!!!
okay guys physics is over!!! whatever you did you all deserve to get YOUR PERSONAL best mark..i'm sure we all studies hard....mmmm
well i thought the paper had some very tricky questions it definitly wasn't piss easy or anything, but the good thing is we all...
In response to your query
i was just looking over that stuff myslf and i think that it is a good idea to have a general understanding of the key roles but i don't think it is neccessary to know each individual IT role in extreme detail!!
hope i was of help to you....i've just got a...