I AM SO FREAKING PISSSEDD!!!!!!!!!!!!! :evilfire::evilfire::evilfire::evilfire::evilfire::evilfire::evilfire::evilfire::evilfire::evilfire:
my freakin skoo must've changed something....was ranked 4/19 in chem...NOW IM BLOOODY 7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! im appealing...over my dead body!!!!! wish we got the...
lol..hey tina!!! well why dnt u use one of Mike Moore's documentaries...doesnt hv to be bowling for columbine...but he has a few...most have contraversial issues...i fink mrs told u not to use to kill a mockingbird ay??? anywaiiz tc n cya soon tina :D
LOL...i think its a great idea to read it to get a general overview...that way ur not fully analysing the text and putting ur head in the sand...then ur re-reading can include deconstructing the text....i think if u go in with a negative attitude ur gonna hate it..but as long as u hv all ur...
i loved chem!!! it wasn't a hard exam n as sum1 else said u just had to study!!! quns weren't hard...except the isotopes one...i dnt give a s*&% which one decays!!!! it's not a maths exam....n its not lyk the syllabus dot points asks us to do that...anywaiiz...we'll live...once anyone get's...
umm i dont kno bout ur skools but i didnt attend paper 2, n my teacher changed it....so yeh that wasnt so bad!!!! my teacher didnt TOTALLY change it..but just adjusted it....i thought my qun was pretty much the same...but i didnt really lyk the way module B was structured...wat's the point of...
Who realised that there was no:
- Dividing a line in a given ratio
- 3U inequalities
- Angle between 2 lines
What kinda exam is that wen there is none of da stuff we learnt in year 11...it really frustrates me:angry: ...i think the person who wrote it is such a retart who has no life...
I think u shud do ur best....doesnt matter wat uai u get as long as u get into wat u want...lyk i want to do dentistry or mayb maths teaching....so yeah