according to marking guidlines for standard english, every year people relied on recount and narrative in their responses NOT detailed. This causes them to be in band 3 or lower!!! And according to b.o.s statistics, it states that a high number of candidates get in band 3!! but there has been an...
Cold mountain
Wizard of Oz
Harvie Krumpet (i did that for journeys (physical) and mod c)
My teacher:
would recommend movies that were oscar nomiated or sumthing to do with awards so that u can talk a lot about techinques!
However those who listed such movies like road trip, anything...
Umm in my opinion, id say stay in advanced for a while and then if not, then drop down. I had 2 students drop from adv. to standard but moving up doesnt occur very often...well 3 girls got asked in yr 11 to move up to advanced but they declined it so yea... its ur choice :)
Mine was with the prose fiction: i talked about a significant event and the components of that event that were used to draw us into the prose fiction, PLUS provididng detailed analysis.!!
I guess it was an open ended question and yeah, in english, there is like no set answers..
Hi, i have sat the hsc 2006 for stnd english and for those who may be desperate for notes and inspiration and where to start, ill attach notes and sample essays for this text.
Plus, feel free to ask me any questions or anything concerning with this module, and yeah.. i hope to help u!!
I have an essay for those who have to study 'we all fall down' based on questions that i have found: (u can have a look at it)
(i cant attach it since i am responding):
1) Identify a key episode in your prescribed text.
Analyse the ways in which this key episode reflects both the...
Hi there, im a 2006 hsc student who just did her hsc 2006 english paper two almost 2 weeks ago. Now to 2007 hsc students, if anyone is studying this unit 'image' and text? if so u can ask me anything you like, past questions, related texts etc.. and ill be happy to help!! :D
Hope to get...
Hi there, im a 2006 hsc student who just did her hsc 2006 english paper two almost 2 weeks ago. Now to 2007 hsc students, if anyone is studying this module and text? if so u can ask me anything you like, past questions, related texts etc.. and ill be happy to help!! :D
Hope to get responses :D
Well.. my thoughts is that practically half the state every year (check board of studies statisics) achieve a band 3. They do get students who get band 4 but very few in the top 2 bands.. as one post was saying, it also depends on how welll you do in the area of study, as ive seen with the...