Hi everybody,
Joey is here. Because we are coming to the end of semester i want to have a party at uts (it doesn't have to be UTS) but i want to have a party. This can be any type of party but i want a party because i like you all and most of you are my friends.
Meet me at building 2 near...
- If you see a girl that you like (and maybe want to spend the rest of your life with her), then ask her out. If she says yes, good! If she says no, then don't give up, because it's your life and happiness if you want to be with her.
good, now you can go fetch your future lover
hi my name is joey,
When i'm in a lecture room or even tutorial room, do I have to go to the lecturer or the tutorial personal to go to the toilet?
I once asked my mathematical modelling 1 lecturer to go tot he toilet, is this ok or should i just go by myself. I did this days back, is...
hi my name is joey. and i go to its
On Thursday I was late for my tutorial which we were having a test. Knowning that I live approximately 1 hour and 25 minutes away excluding walking from Central Station to my building i have to get to that class early but didn't bring anything, only my pen...
hi my name is joey. i'm doing mechencial engineering at the University of techonology sydney and i'm first year. I really like this girl but I think she doesn't like me. i'm sad for this. that's why i will write her a poem, but i didn't do 4unit english, only standard english with a mark of band...
hi my name is joey. i'm doing mechencial engineering at the University of techonology sydney and i'm first year. I really like this girl but I think she doesn't like me. i'm sad for this. that's why i will write her a poem, but i didn't do 4unit english, only standard english with a mark of band...
I ask because i really love this girl in my lecture room but she keeps not listening to me.
Now i ask how do i look 100% than the way how i naturally look?
I was thinking about getting a mustache and longer hair so she thinks i'm a new person.
Then i will rethink my thoguhts and my...
I ask because I have been going to university for two weeks and I have all morning classes including tutorials. in my other post i asked how to dress up as a young person (how to dress up as a 14 year old) to not be detected by officers.
Now i ask how to as the opposite gender because i know...
hi everyone
i just started my merchenacal engineering at university of technology sydney. my name is joey.
I ask how do I want to look cool? Because i didn't make any friends at university yet and i'm in my second week :(
Now i ask how do i look cool? Do I wear the following:?
hello everyone
I am doing Mechencial Engineering at UTS this year.
I saw a person I really like because this person is very pretty and I want to ask this person out on a date. This person is also in my other classes which includes Mathematical modelling 1 tutorial and lecture and my...
Hello everyone
I'm doing Bachelor of Mechnical Engineering at UTS this year and I know that I must go to Orientation camp. My Orientation camp is this Monday to Wednesday from 10th Monday to 12th Wednesday.
I know I will have to go to this camp because it said it was a requirement...
Hello my name is joey and i want to study engineering at university this year.
i have an offer after my hsc results at the university of western Sydney. my atar was 80 and have e4 in mathematics extension 1 and mathematics extension 2. i got an offer at the university of technology sydney...
In my other thread i asked about how to dress up as a 14 year old. I just bought new clothes at my local shopping target shop. it was cheap. i didn't buy ben10 watch, but a light-lamp watch which glows in the dark - cool!
Now i ask to dress up as a 14 year old because on one occasion i will...
I am aware if I don't bring a valid ticket with me, I will get fined.
But what if I don't bring a valid ticket with me the 2nd time, will I get sent to jail?
I don't wanna disobey the law but it's my only option because:
1. I'm not gonna buy the "adult ticket" because I have to pay twice as much...