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  1. J

    Parra Law: Law Foundation and Criminal

    I hope it doesn't mean she will stop it. Then again it stops troubles in the exam.
  2. J

    Property offences

    Generally you need to ensure that the original owner still had posession. So consent established means there is no larceny - it was very unfair. Which is why the Crimes Act can hold you liable for fraudulently obtaining goods. Obtaining by false promise of pretences is still a crime and I would...
  3. J

    Business Law Association Launch

    Emailing you with details
  4. J

    Business Law Association Launch

    Important Tickets will be sold on Thursday 27 October 2005 outside the library from 11am to 12pm at Parramatta campus. If you cannot make this or are at another campus, you can contact me for an alternate arrangment.
  5. J

    Business Law Association Launch

    Dear Legal Studies Students, A group of students have come together to start a Business Law Association at UWS which is currently in construction. We plan on launching this associatio on 8 December with a formal dinner party. We would like to to invite all legal studies students and...
  6. J

    2006 Timetable

  7. J

    The Drug Court

    I am actually writing a research report on it now for uni. It is a problem-solving court. It is faced with a problem (drug-use) and tries to solve the problem using a treatment programme. It is also only a sentencing court. Courts refer an offender to the Drug Court and an assessment is made...
  8. J

    Limits to Judicial Discretion

    Extract from one of my essays on judicial discretion: ...Discretion can challenge fairness producing different outcomes, the law simply providing a means to make a decision, yet does not entirely regulate that process, hence ‘where law ends, discretion begins.’ Goodrich also argues that...
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    Business Law Association Launch

    Question for students at Campbelltown and Blacktown. Are you guys interested in pioneering this at your campuses?
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    Pregnancy / Periods

    There were issues raised of abortion and the option to abort. To clarify this, Abortion is generally illegal in NSW. The exceptions to this are that there is consent of the female and the procedure is performed by a qualified medical practitioner. The Practitioners must also be of the belief...
  11. J

    Significance of Crown v Bilal Skaf and Mohammed Skaf

    It will be interesting to see. The High Court hardly ever hear appeals on grounds of Sentence. In fact the High Court is reluctant to hear criminal law matters.
  12. J

    quick question

    Ok. The two areas a person is likely to sue in such a case is contracts and in torts. Torts are civil wrongs and include trespass, negligence, defamation etc... Some torts are actionable per se. These are mainly intentional torts like trespass. In thise cases I need only prove that the...
  13. J

    quick question

    You are mostly correct. However you don't purchase goods off a manufacturer. You buy them from a retailer who got them from a wholesaler, etc... There are about 3 or 4 parties involved. Privity if it was not affected by the TPA would prevent a contracts claim. Otherwise, great explanation!
  14. J

    quick question

    It was dumb question that has BOS up for ages debating over it in the 2003 exam. To clarify, YOU DON'T NEED A DAMAGE TO SUE IN TORT. Some torts are actionable per se, meaning so long as a tort is committed, you can sue. Negligence however needs a damage. Privity prevents suing the manufacturer...
  15. J

    elements of crime

    I never said that. I have maintained that for theoretical purposes there is a difference. If you were a police officer pulling up a person for a stric liability offence, chances are you would not ask them "Did you make an honest and reasonable mistake?" For the HSC, if asked, there is a...
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    I did it last semester. Don't you just love it?
  17. J

    Parramatta campus.... "old sydney town"

    The University is quite modern. The facilities are of a high standard and the older buildings give the campus a unique feel and contribute to its warmthness.
  18. J

    Parramatta campus.... "old sydney town"

    That's right Natstar, there will be a massive development on the Western part of the campus.
  19. J

    What do employers think of UWS?

    It's highly disputable as to the success of graduates depending on marks. Many practitioners have told me just to pass and ensure I maintain experience in the field. Experience is very important. And if you are committed, your oppurtunities are not severed if you don't graduate with First...