That's right boys and girls. No abortions in South Dakota.
I'm sorry, but what? No abortion? Not even in the case of rape or even incest or if the mothers heath is...
Or so dana vale says. Silly old Ms Vale forgets that the economic policy of her party pretty much encourages people to value money and a mortgage to pay for the 4wd and an oversized house more than the values of starting a family.
So what's wrong with the boys? OR is there anything wrong with them? Is Co education good?
Most of the problem seems to stem from the uncoolness of trying hard. A culture of...
What do you recon? Are we, as generation Whyers, spoilt, unrealistic and living in a fake consumerist world that seemingly gives everything to us oh so easy?
Are a large proportion of Y ers going to get a rude shock...
What is Multiculturalism?
According to the Department of Immigration and multicultural and Indegenous Affairs
Al Grasby, the father of multiculturalism also had a similar definition. Like everything the definition of...
...anyone catch it?
Old Fraser is pretty sharp still. Gough is getting on. My god havn't politicians changed. It just reminds you how prosaic John Howard and his front bench are.
...are fun
- 81% of people have no understanding of what federation means
- 66% do not understand the federal/state division of power
- 69% cannot name the two federal houses
- 75% do not know senators are elected on a state by state basis
- 60% did not know the constitution can be...
Inspiring! Having met Steve a few times (during my short but career as a child model) I can say he is a top bloke.
If the Libs can put Pat Farmer in the Parliament the ALP can do it with...