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  1. N

    deckard and descartes

    hey, what do you call the literary technique here? a pun?? or is there some more sophisticated word i can use?
  2. N

    Frankenstein and bladerunner - disagreeing with the syllabus

    the syllabus says " how the treatment of similar content in a pair of texts composed in different times and contexts may reflect changing values and perspectives." I would argue that scott and shelley had the same context ( shelley was the beginning of the industrial revolution and...
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    Practice papers and how my mark will end up

    If i'm doing practice papers and getting a mark of about 75% each time does that mean that i will get about 75% as my HSC mark? or does it actually move up and down and i could end up with something very different? I understand all the scaling and aligning stuff - just wondered how 'accurate'...
  4. N

    SAM is broken again!

    Please fix SAM - it wants me to re-enter my subjects but then won't let me do it!
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    Romanticism practice papers

    Does anyone have any trial questions or any others that they can post here for me to use? Any contributions gratefully received. Here's one to get this thread started: Romanticism in literature and art reflected the social, economic and and religious paradigms of the time. As these paradigms...
  6. N

    Past Papers

    Does anyone have the Gammett quote used in the 2008 HSC paper? It is still awaiting copyright clearance on the BoS website and, judging from the examination notes, was quite different from previous papers. also, does anyone have any past Trial papers? Our school has the first two students to do...
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    Advanced SAM

    Does anyone know how to use Advanced SAM Reverse? I slide the sliders and enter the UAI I need but nothing happens! Help!!:burn: