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  1. Undermyskin

    UAC number and pin

    WTH? We haven't got them yet. Probably until Aug when people start completing their applications and preferences?
  2. Undermyskin

    Titration Comp 21st June

    The problem is: only teachers can register!
  3. Undermyskin

    pedigrees and punnet squares

    Past papers, I suppose. My school gives us a booklet which has a lot of questions on these but I'm not sure if it's available at other schools.
  4. Undermyskin

    Titration Comp 21st June

    This is unfair. My teacher said there wasn't any vacancy left so she couldn't register for it. What the hell?
  5. Undermyskin


    Tell me about its chemical composition first.
  6. Undermyskin

    4U Revising Game

    Why is it? I think his solution is typical and similar to what we've been taught... So you mean that it's not absolutely correct to put the Re = 0? Or you mean we have to include x =/= 2 and y =/= 0?
  7. Undermyskin

    The Dumbest mistake u've ever made in a Maths Exam

    (3/2)^1/2 = 3/2 I was supposed to find the ratio and I couldn't believe I squared the final answer. OMG.
  8. Undermyskin

    Identifying substances

    I don't think iron sulfates are insoluble in water since most sulfates are soluble except those of Calcium, barium, Lead, and some other very unreactive metals. If you're given samples of ferric or ferrous salts, be very careful because your tests can give positive indications to both of...
  9. Undermyskin

    HSC Success Seminar...?

    Maybe I won't go...
  10. Undermyskin

    4U Revising Game

    Crap. Ouch. It's 4/7.
  11. Undermyskin

    treatment, control, prevention and management

    Treatment: how to 'defeat' or help the host body to 'fight' against the pathogens. Control/management: methods to manage the population of the pathogens, pretty much when the pathogens are still outside the bodies. Plus how to quarantine the pathogens, avoiding an epidemic explosion. e.g...
  12. Undermyskin

    4U Revising Game

    Can I just post the answers? Typing the whole solution is tedious. 1. ln6 2. use t= tan@/2 3. 4/11 4. pqr= 100*p +10*q+r = 99*p+9*q+p+q+r = 99*p+9*q+3A = 3(33*p+3*q+A) is obviously divisible by 3. Please check my calculations. hix
  13. Undermyskin

    phenotype experiment

    Gosh! We haven't done this experiment and we're half way through the 3rd module already! how ludicrous! I think the hydrangeas are of pretty good use. Hey, I like that rat! haha
  14. Undermyskin

    Dehydration/hydration of ethanol.

    "electrons in the electron rich pi bond" sorry but what is it meant?
  15. Undermyskin

    Soap & Detergent

    This is pathetic. I just digested the whole module in one week and now they are tumbling out of my head. :(( I know more for soap, I suppose. Raw material/cost: relative cheap and abundant since it's made from animal fats which can be attained from abartoirs, slaughterhouses, et cetera...
  16. Undermyskin

    Three Chemistry Calculation Problems (Preliminary)

    Er... what do you mean? That's the whole point of extracting Ni from its ore.: letting Ni react with CO.
  17. Undermyskin

    high UAI..

    Well, basically when you re-think about it, it's not THAT dire. I mean, when you are technically purposeless (like me right now), having someone to push you is rather necessary; because you know, if getting 99+ then I can choose whichever courses I wanna do later, right? (except for Med and...
  18. Undermyskin

    STAT (Discussion & Results)

    Re: Stat I'm totally depressed now. I have trials this weekend. Then real trials in 10 week time. Then UMAT around the same period. Then assessment tasks. Then application form for Med. Then... OMG! Don't you guys think of relaxing a bit before the STAT (i.e. Nov or Dec?)
  19. Undermyskin

    high UAI..

    People have different ambitions and they have different generalizations of their own abilities. Just aim for the highest and expect the worst. In this case: I'm aiming for 100 and expecting 99.95! lolz. Joking. My parents will kill me if I can't get 99+
  20. Undermyskin

    4U Revising Game

    Sorry to ask this but are we supposed to remember that rule for x and (a-x)? I've seen many questions but they always, kind of, giving hints by asking us to proof it first. Q: Find the volume obtained by rotating the region enclosed by the circle (x-b)^2 + y^2 = a^2 Where b>a, about...