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  1. B

    UNSW O-Week 2006

    Have you agreed to the online IT agreement statement thingo. Or is that just for Mail and MyUNSW
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    Commerce Camp

    150 People. 1 Island (Temptation Island). Shared rooms. Mixed sex. Absailing. Lots of alcohol. Suck & Blow.
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    Need help with enrolment!

    Electives Required CP = 5Units 1 Elective = 4CP then this means you'll have to do another (whether it includes 2nd semester points or 2nd/3rd year elective points) elective. So you could do 2 Elective of 3CP this semester or if you have electives in the second semester and you did a 3CP in the...
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    another question for Mentors

    Hehe, walk in pairs? Are you going to order them to hold hands too?
  5. B

    o-week commerce/eco welcome @ 9:30am?

    Bloody hell. The whole thing is like 9:30 to 2pm and everyone just walked out. I didnt meet anyone, relying on my tutes for that cause all I got were James Ruse kids showing off their yearbooks and immature kids checking each other out speaking throughout the whole thing. I left at the free...
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    o-week commerce/eco welcome @ 9:30am?

    You can go to any welcome you want.
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    Commerce Camp

    What is it. More info?
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    transport concession

    Arent concession stickers free? Someone mentioned it on this forum. I think it was at Sam-spot.
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    o-week commerce/eco welcome @ 9:30am?

    I dont think it'll be more than an hour. I think you get separated into groups afterwards and get mentors to show you around the uni etc. I dont know :|
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    What Size Are You?

    Pants/Shorts = 32 Shoes = Varies on brand but usually 10/11 Tops = Medium-Large (I hate it when shirts fit but they have bad length sleeves. Height = 173-176cm
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    How to wear these boots?

    Any sort of boots will get you looks.
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    Hmmm Electric sheep... Textual Integrit y :D Thats all I learnt for the HSC
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    I watched it a few days ago. It wasnt a great film as expected but still entertaining. The main problem I had with GOAL! was that a lot of the scenes were quite similar in the sense that it fluctuates continuously between Santiago having lost hope in becoming a soccer superstar to him getting...
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    o-week commerce/eco welcome @ 9:30am?

    Yeah pretty much the only reason I'll be going is to meet new people. Form a group and such. But yeah 9:30 is just bloody early for someone whose been waking up at 12noon for the past 3 months. Especially if you have to wake up at 7:30 to get there on time.
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    Bus stop at UNSW

    SO that one bus (express from Central Station) goes around the University campus? Like in this map:
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    The Sketch Show

    Yeah, Aussie skit shows just dont cut it. Brittish comedy is the way.
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    The Amazing Race 9

    Re: amazing race Loved this show, I really do :)
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    valley of the kings tomb uncovered

    *Recalls his Matthew Reilly: Seven Ancient Wonders*
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    excuses so that you can quit your job

    "I'm sorry....but I'm gonna have to end this no.. its not you...its me"