Well the date on the board was something like "04-11-03" which i stupidly wrote. Anyone know what will happen? I believe winston done this too for english? :o
Capital Equipment
Pivot Table
Dissection / sub-disection (these are in order forms but have no idea what they are).
I saw these in some trial paper.
Thanks :cool:
Im just wondering if for example, im doing comp engineering at uws, is it possible to transfer to another uni but this time go for a double degree (ie bachelor of eng, bachelor of science)? The reason im asking is because UWS doesnt offer that double degree. :(
Thanks in advance.
Hi this is a multiple choice question 14 from that trial exam.
The answer is C according to the answers. But the question is asking the best format for "no image degradation later". JPEG is a lossy compression which means parts of the image data is dissapeared. My answer would have been either...
Our teacher says that it doesnt really matter if we use VB syntax such as "select case ...... "end Select". Now there are people saying that any sign of a language will loose marks?
Hi, since there is no way i can learn someone elses algorithm i thought i will try make my own one but It's a little different to whats in textbooks. Im just wondering if this is "acceptable" as it works when testing it.
Begin BinarySearch ( MyArray, Value )
Set lowValue to 1st...
This quote is taken from a band 6 student in HSC 2002 paper from the standards package my teacher printed for Q25. The student is describing the difference between integer and floating point representtation; He says...
Ok what the hell?
Do we need to know this? I know the basics of it but not in great detail so im wondering if i should study it? In the syllabus, all it says is "-use of registers and accumulators" and "use of program counter and fetch-execute cycle". Oh while im at it, do we have to know fetch execute cycle in...
Hi, im just confused a little with story boards. Do i show the UI of the program or the structure of UI.
For example:
This (showing structure etc...):?
SamD, can u Mark this please? :)
lol, i want a teachers comment on this. What would you give me out of 6 for this:
"Construct a logic circuit for the operation of the lights".
My answer is here...
7 a -8.0 = 1.0 x 2 to the power of 3
So the sign is negative
The exponent part is 127+3 = 130
The fractional part of the mantissa is 0 giving us
1 1000 0011 00000000000000000000000
Shouldn't it equal to
1 1000 0010 00000000000000000000000
Hi there are many different ones:
Reset-Set (the one with NOR gates)
Set-Reset (one with NAND gates)
Gated RS
D-type flip flop
Also, for a simple one like set reset, how would u constract a truth table? A bit difficult to explain but for example, if i have gate 1 set to 0 and gate 2 set...
Can someone explain this dot point for me? I seriously dont understand what its asking.
HSC online site only explains how a transisotr works for this.
Thanks :)
They're pissing me off! :mad:
Can some one tell me if im understanding them correctly?
Heres how i understand it....
* Two layers of sem-conductors are used. One being an N-type and the other a P-type (N being on top).
* The e-s that are in the n-type are conducted by the metal...
"perform an investigation to demonstrate the production and reception of radio waves"
Anyone done this experiment? Could you give your results please? The Online HSC just describes how to do the experiment but with no results.
Thanks, :)