for the time during week ask youself because they really don't show it, for saterday tutoring it's starting at 10am and ending at 5pm, also it depends on the time of teacher arriving thereso best choice is to get there yourself and finding it out
adding to that the markers are looking for interesting/catchy story since they've been working for their full school hours. the main focus will be to entertain the markers and to make sure it is easy to write as jeee said
is there a poem or short story which i can easily use?
i've also got assesment within few weeks... so if someone can provide me with some related texts it would be greatful :jaw:
me121 if possible can you tell me what to talk about when i've got these three areas?
justification of design
use of appropriate industrial process and equipment
appropriateness of design and/or design modification
can anyone help me with building up the folio?:idea:
meaning what sort of things do i have to add for:
jstification of design
use of appropriate industrial processes and equipment
appropriateness of design and/or design modification
really need to build up the folio urgently :spzz:
ppl plz i need to give speech about Cosi.
"analyse the dramatic techniques incorporated into your allocated scene and discuss how your scene fits into the rest of the play to make a coherent whole"
that's the question and also i've got to explore how the dramatic techniques help to develop a...
I'm doing Cosi and wondering what kind of related text i need to relate it to this topic. Is it possible for you ppl to provide me with some of related texts...
thanks guys:)
because i'm about to watch it tomorrow and i'm quite looking forward after your comment. i hope that it's not just a play, meaning hoping to learn some things from the play which i'll be watching 2moro:)