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  1. Pain

    Who's seen Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind?

    *shakes head*
  2. Pain

    Josef Fritzl sentenced to life

    He locked her up and decided to rape her for her own good too? Fucking idiot.
  3. Pain

    Should prostitution be illegal?

    Never heard of the sex slave trade? Sex trafficking? Ignorant bastard. Get informed please.
  4. Pain


    If your completely adamant with using Naruto, at LEAST, use the Manga. At least it'll make you sound on par with those who permit to using Graphic Novels. And don't any of you guys downplay the integrity of the graphic novel genre (albeit, they are just comics, but Graphic novel just sounds...
  5. Pain

    Motivation for weight loss...

    I think the Brad Pitt juxtaposition is a marvelous motivational tool. But, instead of your own body, go google "obescity", then stick that next to Pitt's immaculate six pack abs. And then, now, you have your ultimatum. Look like a fat toad or Tyler Durden. Who , may I add, has less fat then a...
  6. Pain

    Blade RUNNA

    Let me get this straight. You created a question, but you have no idea how to answer it?
  7. Pain

    When do i go in?

    Sex? HAH. You don't even have balls to talk to her about it.
  8. Pain

    channel ten HD - no signal..

    Well firstly, do you have a digital topbox? If no, then this is your problem. If yes, then is your TV HD READY? What's this mean? GOOGLE IT. If it IS HD-ready, then you need to call Technical Support.
  9. Pain

    Can you star in your own Short movie?

    Yeah, I recently shot my film. Acting and directing simulatneously can be a pain at times, but hey that's my name! *cough* No in all seriousness, it is a rewarding process, it does save time in actual direction -- Because you already know what you want! But then, you really need a camera man or...
  10. Pain

    Just curious...

    I think you should consider the filming aspect whilst you write. It's imperative you're not wasting time over technical logistics AFTER you're shooting-script is complete, especially since the six week holidays are gone. You need to find out what camera you're using; it's capabilities and it's...
  11. Pain

    talking to strangers

    It's in Korea? What is this? A military recruitment camp? Goddamn Koreans. First Australia, what next???
  12. Pain

    Camera's and Editing Software

    Agreed. Nothing wrong with DV tape. Well, unless you have a shit computer and you can't capture smoothly. Last thing you need is to try to capture your footage and have frames missing. I personally, used DV tape, worked marvels. Oh, since I'm participating, I'm editing with Adobe Premiere cs3 .
  13. Pain

    Just curious...

    Mine are in my sig. LOL, all girls so far. Except me :(
  14. Pain

    Just curious...

    Well, I've completed my principal photography really. Took advantage of the Summer Holidays - people were available for extended periods of time etc. So, how about you? Also, what camera are you planning to use?
  15. Pain

    Just curious...

    *Points hand up* Man, it's been ages since someone posted here. So, I assume you are doing video? or is my assumption misplaced.
  16. Pain

    forbidden love

    Is it that hard to hide a boyfriend from your parents?
  17. Pain


    Charmander!! I choose you! .... Seriously, the charmander arc was just beyond epic.
  18. Pain

    Racist David Oldfield take him off radio

    So where does it say we have Freedom of Speech? The American constitution?
  19. Pain

    The World of Pick-Up Line

  20. Pain

    talking to strangers

    Well make sure you don't cross boundaries. Start with small talk, then work on hobbies and stuff. Don't go straight into the stuff you would normally discuss with friends -- You've got to establish the base of the 'friendship', even if it's temporary. Although, if you're naturally extrovert -...