so...what do you guys think?
i've been tearing myself up over which course to do.
i know optometry's more focused and comm/sci is broader, more flexibility etc.
which is the better option?:confused:
thnx for your opinions.
An extensive post!
I'm interested, which universities were you planning to apply to?
I was thinking of going as well...did quite a lot of research like you did. Did the SATs as well. It seems like i'm also financially incompetent
just clarifying...were you talking about going next...
my school sux =( we're required to have at least one Australian text for imaginative journeys. anyone have any suggestions?
(btw, my core text is On Giants' Shoulders)
hey, i was wondering if anyone had ne suggestions for related material in relation in particular to On Giants' Shoulders? I find it very hard these days to find one that links with it XD. your help will be much appreciated =)
sigh. this is all getting too confusing for me. i'm Christian. i just pray that all non-believers out there seek God.
just a question..don't you ever wonder that life is meaningless? you go to school, get a job, got some money, buy stuff, hav a family, then it's all gone??
yes, it is important that the girl needs to be Christian. it's because, as a devoted Christian your friend is, he wants a relationship where together they can please God and be an item living for God.
wow. long since neone posted....but hey.
ive heard Full House is similar to Smiling Pasta? ...dnos. cept SP is taiwanese.
SEEN GOONG?? it's so funny. another korean drama :)
WOW 2,300. that's like most of it done. cept editing etc. changes. but wow, NICE WORK. :D i envy you lol. how long have you taken? like how many days to write that much?
..i need inspiration T_T.