Main street in Pompeii. 1
Features of the urban landscaoe. 2
Describe main features of houses. 4
Explain the influence of Greek and Egyptian cultures. 8
Discuss ethical issues relating to the study and display of human remains. 10
yep, i think i get you, net profit is not included in owner's equity
but what about retained profits/retained earnings - because isn't that the same as net profit although it is listed under the owner's equity section of the balance sheet?
I'm confused with this ratio - I know it's
Net Profit/Owners Equity x 100 (i also read its over Total owners equity)
But would the owners equity only be equal to the initial money put in by owners?
Eg. In my exam there was a balance sheet with
Sharholders Equity
- Issued Capital 292 000...
It's when you study (usually part time) while you are employed with a company. You get some finanical support and experience within the career you want to pursue. Alot of people don't like them because of the the restrictions and prefer scholarships. So far i only know of Accounting/business...
lol im also gonna answer your post
Depending on what you choose it is pretty boring and a waste of time BUT you will find later on its really good - espcially if you, like me, don't have a job but apply for cadetships/scholarships and need something to talk about. You can say work experience...
Wow..finished ancient!
Ancient - half way through topic three (egypt)...still got agrippina to go... :uhoh:
English - just started frontline
Eco - Started policies and mgt
Business - Started Global business
Physics - Started space (we went backwards kinda)
Lol..role play..well i didn't get that - mine was just a straight interview like the others we had. I had two interviewers, one from HR and the other from IT. I'm guessing that our interview structures are different because we had different area preferences - i was interviewed for the IS...
Well, i liked the interviewers from today (i didnt have vanessa) better than last times, maybe because i was less nervous - i felt i did better in this one than last time, but im not sure because the man didn't ask me any questions at all, just the lady. The questions weren't too tricky -...
Zurich - The HR lady who interviewed me today said they are interviewing 36 people, then 24 will be shortlisted for a further interview and 12 will finally be accepted.
i wish i didn't choose business studies..its sooo boring
and i wish i did modern history instead of ancient history (cos there is so much stuff to remember)
Adv English: 4
Maths: 2
Maths Ext 1: 2
Physics: 5
Business Studies: 2 (so boring)
Economics: 9.5
Ancient History: 5 (interesting but too much work and some of it seems irrelevent to me)