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  1. Agnes2810

    OI someone here MUST be goin to MACLEAY!

    hey hey.. i was hell scared ay.. but once i got in there, it was awesome! i mean, the people were great, made some friends already.. after every hour of class we'd hav a break and everyone would go out for a ciggie,. hehe but today i was so buggered hey.. 4 classes, 2 hours each.. glad...
  2. Agnes2810

    OI someone here MUST be goin to MACLEAY!

    i know im scareeeeeedddddddddddddd have to get in there at 8:30 am aaaaaaaahhhhh
  3. Agnes2810

    The 'CLUBs' Guide (sydney)

    hahaha,,, ohhh OJ its alright, we love you no matter what! and thats sigged lengy! haha
  4. Agnes2810

    The 'CLUBs' Guide (sydney)

    i mean advertising (sorry spam, i cant be bothered to edit) :p
  5. Agnes2810

    The 'CLUBs' Guide (sydney)

    melborne???? wot the hell, do u do correnspondence? im starting adveriting at macleay college nextr week
  6. Agnes2810

    OI someone here MUST be goin to MACLEAY!

    oh right, thanx heaps :)
  7. Agnes2810

    work relationships

    i was sleeping with a guy from work. and now he quit coz someone found out. i dunoo why. it didnt bother anyone.
  8. Agnes2810

    OI someone here MUST be goin to MACLEAY!

    hey nucleaur chick, asorry bad spelling, um, i got my timetable today, and it says friday i have work experience, does that mean every friday i go to the same plc, or diff placE? and do they find that for you? and wen does that starT?
  9. Agnes2810

    The 'CLUBs' Guide (sydney)

    wot uni u at? n wot u doin?
  10. Agnes2810

    Class sizes in your grade?

    we had 7 people in our class, and the other class had 14 ithink not as bad as my IPT class, we had 4!
  11. Agnes2810

    The 'CLUBs' Guide (sydney)

    what ABOUT you oj? u said u were leavin,,
  12. Agnes2810

    The 'CLUBs' Guide (sydney)

    well im doin college dis yr, and the only reason im staying is coz theres another dude on hhere gonig to macleay
  13. Agnes2810

    OI someone here MUST be goin to MACLEAY!

    yeh i know!! they count the minutes of how late u are, then deduct it from ur mark at the end of d yr! ahha hey nuclear chick, wot course did u do?
  14. Agnes2810

    Macleay College for 2005

    my parents r paying for mine :) as long as i pass, they will b happy, lol
  15. Agnes2810

    How long before you have sex?

    well said !
  16. Agnes2810

    Tongue Piercings and Oral

    ive heard ;)
  17. Agnes2810

    Piercings and Tattoos

    i used to have 2 of them done. but took em out coz everyone was gettingit done. now i got my tongue pierced, and a tat and my eatrs, but once,.
  18. Agnes2810

    OI someone here MUST be goin to MACLEAY!

    its 4 days a week, mon to thursday, then friday is work experience :) ill keep ya posted thru out d yr :)
  19. Agnes2810

    The 'CLUBs' Guide (sydney)

    ur not gonna come to my parties anymore, u gonna b that busy.. u suck :(
  20. Agnes2810

    OI someone here MUST be goin to MACLEAY!

    it was alright, they didnt tell much about the course, jst basically the college rules and assignment procedures. we had 2 bring a foto for the ID card yersterday. and ommmggggg mine is soo bad haha start monday AAHHH im scared